Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday May 5, 2010

1636: The alarm goes off at 0545 and I am up and ready to go. I did take Ms P out and got Nancy her coffee. I then headed to breakfast club. It is now light when I drive to the Women's Civic Club. Attendance was good today and the speaker talked about the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. After the meeting I ended up at the Kava House so I could read the paper. At 1000 I headed downtown to F. David Barney's, a men's clothing store. I was just looking for a cotton blazer but ended up buying a stretch wool travel blazer. It is suppose to be wrinkle free. The blazer I am using I purchased from Redwood and Ross. Redwood and Ross have been out of business for about 20 years. I had forgotten how much quality clothing costs.

It rained off and on this morning and so at noon I headed to the MAC for a 1000 yard swim. I swam 1000 yards in 27'51". After the swim I did some banking and then headed home for lunch. After lunch Ms P and I ran some errands. This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens and I am waiting for the upholsterer to pick up the chairs. Tonight is cereal night and I don't think there is much on TV. I might have to go to bed and finish my book. I just ordered 3 books for my Kindle. It takes seconds for a 300 page book to download.

This afternoon I talked to Jennifer Dougherty to find out how she was doing. She said the baby is kicking and moving so we are all keeping a good thought. I also talked to Missy and she reminded that Akerke will have her blessing on July 10 in our backyard. Peggy from the travel agency emailed Nancy some data on the Moscow to St Pete river trip. It sounded interesting.

2008: This evening Nancy and I decided not to take the river trip offered by our travel agent. Nancy is still looking at a Great Circle tour to Russia. I just finished reading the GRP and it was interesting to note that every school or city proposal for additional taxes in the area passed. Folks are not as dumb as they look.

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