Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday May 14, 2010

2109: I got up at 0620 this morning. It was a bright sunny morning. I followed my normal weekday routine. Starting Monday I will take about two weeks off from all this exercise. I am looking forward to the hiatus. I fixed the master bedroom toilet seat so it would not move before going to the MAC. I got to the MAC and realized that I did not bring my Kindle. After my MAC routine, which included a 2 mile run outside for the first time this week, I headed home. At home I ate a quick lunch and grabbed my Kindle and headed to the Kava House.

After reading the DFP I headed to Alto and my 1300 meeting with Jennifer Dougherty. We talked about a project Jennifer is working on. Jennifer has picked up some very interesting projects in her short time in business. I left at 1530 and headed home. At home I installed a driver side seat cover in the C2 and then went on a 30 minute walk.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's in Gaslight Village. We watched some TV and then headed to bed. We both have a new book to read. Tomorrow should be another nice day. I hope the wind is light enough so I can put the kayak in Reeds Lake.

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