Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday May 9, 2010

1447: I got up at 0646 and took Ms P outside to do her bidness. I was surprised by the frost on the roof and lawn. It got down to the low 30s last night but no snow. They did have snow up north. We followed our normal Sunday routine. I swam the 1500 yards in 43' which is a good time for me. I topped off the Taurus and gas was $2.97. I think gas will be over $3 by the end of the month. Meijer's was crowded with fathers taking the kids shopping and buying flowers. Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I took a short nap. I walked Ms P around the block. We had a hard time getting a leash on her she growled and ran away. Ms P is becoming a lady of leisure. After the walk around the block I took a 30 minute walk. We are waiting for Ed and Mary Namey to stop by and give us some details on their upcoming river trip between Moscow and St Pete, Russia. At 1600 we are going to the Moleski's for dinner.

1749, Monday: My keyboard ran out of juice last night. I was too tired to change batteries. The dinner party was great. There were 7 people in attendance. We got home about 2030 so I watched the ninth episode of Pacific. The show highlighted the battle for Okinawa. It was very bloody. Pacific is almost an anti-war film.

Speaking of anti-war, how come I don't hear any media reports about bringing the troops home. I think the military is bankrupting the country. Are our actions in the middle east making us more secure? I don't think so.

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