Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday May 4, 2010

1725: I slept in until 0700. The sun was already up and shining bright. When I finished my morning routine and was getting ready for breakfast I noticed that Ms P had thrown up. We do not know what caused her upset stomach but have put her on a bland diet. The MAC was not very crowded today but a lot of men were watching Fox News and their reporting on the New York bomber. I was surprised at how right wing this group of members were. I really don't care if the bomber is classified as a criminal or terrorist as long as he goes to jail.

It was very windy today so I did not go kayaking. I did read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had several articles on the shooting of 5 police officers. I read with interest an article in the WSJ about China purchasing coal from Peabody Coal's Wyoming mine. Nancy and I have some Peabody stock and were thinking of selling it. I might have to reevaluate.

I had a quick lunch and then Ms P and I got in the C2 and ran some errands. First stop was Rylee's Hardware to see if they had any electric edgers. They did not. Next I stopped at the Vet to view their lodging for Ms P. It was Spartan but well run. They had a number of lodgers and they seemed well treated. After the Vet I stopped at Daniels to look for a blazer. I checked several price tags and left. Finally, I stopped at Bill and Paul's to purchase some briefs that claim to be the best for travel. You just rinse them out each evening and put them on the next day. I bought 2 pair just in case.

I finished the afternoon with a 50 minute walk. I am now wrapping up this blog. We watch NCIS on Tuesday and tomorrow is breakfast club so I want to get to bed early. The alarm is set for 0545.

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