Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday May 11, 2010

1741: I slept in until 0700 this morning. I think it is the cold gloomy days that make me sleep in. It was raining this morning and it continued until 1700. The temperature never got above 45. We turned the heat on this afternoon.

I drove the C2 to the MAC and after the MAC drove to Berger Chevy to get an oil change. After the oil change I stopped by the Apple store and purchased a gadget that will charge the itouch in the car and also play tunes over the car radio.

While in the mall I purchased a Starbucks coffee and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP continues to write on the corruption in the Detroit Public Schools and City Government. The economy in the Detroit area continues to be a basket case. Property values are still dropping. The WSJ have been very aggressive in exposing shortcomings in the off shore drilling companies and regulatory agencies.

I have been catching up on my Engineering News Record magazines and it appears that constructing coal fired plants is becoming more and more difficult. The Greenies want to shut coal down. This afternoon we sold some of our Peabody Coal stock. We also officially signed up for the Russian River Cruise. We are leaving for the cruise from Cleveland.

I got a call from F. David Barney this afternoon telling me that my blazer was ready for pickup. I will wear the blazer tomorrow when Nancy and I attend a fund raiser at Meijer's Garden. After I got home from FDB's I took a 30 minute walk. Tomorrow I have a 1400 GRBA meeting. So this afternoon I read the packet for tomorrow's meeting. It was 87 pages long. I am finishing this blog early so I can watch NCIS this evening. Did you know that I have written nearly 700 blogs?

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