Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday May 6, 2010

1643: Boy! did I sleep in today. I got up at 0730. After the morning routine I headed to the MAC. It is very windy today and the temperatures are in the 50s so I had to dress in layers. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Today's DFP had many articles on Ernie Harwell the Tigers announcer for 42 years. Ernie died this week at age 92. The DFP also had several articles on Mayor Bing trying to get his austerity budget passed. Surprising one council member want more reductions. Of course the DFP had to report that the Wings are 0-3.

The WSJ reported on the situation in Greece. I read about the problems in Greece and wonder will the USA have the same problem. The feds have got to quit spending. We keep creating new bureaucracies. I find it hard to believe that the President is responsible for BP's oil leak. When talker Rush starts blaming the President I think it is time for me to become a Libertarian. I have always felt that bigness is bad, whether it is a private company or the federal government.

This afternoon Ms P and I ran several errands. I stopped by the bank and got $50 in dollar coins. I use these coins everywhere. I want to eliminate the dollar bill and also the penny. Our final stop was at the Cascade Animal Clinic to inspect their boarding facility. They all appear to be the same. Tonight Nancy and I going to Great Lakes Shipping. We always eat in the bar and tonight will be our first trip since the smoking ban. I am sure Nancy will like it.

2048: I was right Nancy did like the smoke free restaurant. Tonight Nancy did some more research on the Grand Circle River trip in Russia. It sound real interesting. Stay tuned.

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