Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday May 2, 2010

1727: The alarm goes off at 0646. It is raining but I take Ms P out anyway. She does not like getting wet but I won't let her in until she does her bidness. Today is swim day and we were lucky because we did not have to share a lane. I swam 1500 yards in 43'. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up. Gas was 2.91 per gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast and after this great breakfast I had to take a nap. After the nap Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall. I purchased a pair of khakis from J Crew. Nancy did not find the type of khakis she was looking for.

This afternoon I called John Jones the old geometry teacher at OHHS. He is now retired. Friday he called and wanted to know if I wanted to ride to Sand Lake on the White Pine. I was in Alpena on Friday but it would be nice to have a riding partner. I told John to give me a call any time he wants a riding partner. He was running when I contacted him. Next Saturday is the Old Kent run and John is training for this race. He was captain of the Albion College track team back in the early 60s.

I took a 30 minute walk after our shopping trip. I took my itouch and at 3 different locations I turned the itouch on and found a connection to the internet. I am finishing this blog early because this evening I am watching Pacific on HBO.

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