Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday May 12, 2010

1655: Wednesday my easy day and I got up at 0650. I shaved and then headed to the Med Center to get some blood work done for my annual physical in June. After the lab work I headed to Bill's for their breakfast special. I also had time to read the WSJ and DFP. When I got home I took a 30 minute walk.

At noon I headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. I swam the distance in 27'41". After the MAC I headed downtown for a GRBA meeting. We met at Parking Services Office in the Ottawa/Fulton Parking ramp. After the meeting we toured the Weston/Commerce Liner Building. This is an interesting concept. Along Weston and Commerce Streets is a six story multi use building. The building is L shaped with a parking ramp in attached to the building. We toured some model condos and apartments. The first two floors of the building have offices and a restaurant. I was impressed.

After the meeting I headed home because Nancy and I are attending a fund raiser at Meijer's Garden at 1800. Stay tuned for an update.

1632 Thursday: The fund raiser was a lot of fun. We had free food and booze. About 350 folks attended and I think a lot of money was raised for the Gardens. Nancy and I bid on several big ticket items that we thought maybe no one was interested in. However, we were never close. We did get a mystery bottle of wine, a feeding stand for Ms P and tickets to a Whitecaps game. Nancy and I got home at 2200 and I was too tired to finish the blog.

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