Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday May 3, 2010

1741: I slept in until 0700. Nancy took Ms P out and said it was raining. I moaned and groaned because I wanted to cut the grass today. Us old folks do not like to be diverted from our schedule. We also had a problem with the coffee machine. It did not go off at 0606 as it was programmed to do. Not a nice start to Monday.

After my at home routine I looked out the window and the sun was shining bright. The temperature was in the high 50s. The bike ride to the MAC was very pleasant. The leaves are all out and flowers are blooming everywhere. I also enjoyed my run outside.

Today when I got to the Kava House I sat in what use to be the smoking room. It is brighter than where I use to sit. However, it is very isolated and it takes a little effort to get a refill. I read the DFP and WSJ. Both papers ran stories on the oil spill and the screwed up bombing in NYC. Not much local news.

I started cutting the grass at 1400 and 3 hours later I finished. I cannot break the 3 hour barrier. Nancy is working at the Gardens this evening. She is working from 1630 to 2100. I think she will be working this shift for the summer. Lately I have been listening to music on my itouch while reading the GRP. The itouch has a thing called Genius that I have figured out. It is really nice.

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