Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday April 25, 2010

1617: We had a light rain most of the night. When Ms P and I went out at 0500 it was still raining. We got up with the alarm at 0646. Today is our swim day. Both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. Of course after our swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I filled the Taurus up. Gas was $2.89 per gallon. Also took bottles back for the refund. Since I quit drinking beer at home our bottle count has gone way down. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs on toast for breakfast.

After breakfast I took a short nap. I then ran several errands with Ms P. I dropped off a bottle of lotion at the MAC. I also bought a set of earphones at Best Buy. As I write this blog I am listening to Emily Lou Harris on my itouch. I did get my tunes on both my itouch and media center. Now all I have to figure out is how to get my email list to the itouch. I am sure there is a way.

Tonight I am going to watch episode seven of the HBO mini-series Pacific. As I have mentioned earlier I would only rate this series a 2.8. The temperature has dropped all day. It is now 49 degrees with wind speeds of about 15 mph. I still have to get my 30 in today so as soon as I finish this blog I will go on a 30 minute walk. Nancy is fixing soup and a chicken dish for dinner. It looks good. After dinner I plan on finish reading the GRP and then watching 60 minutes. Of course at 2100 I will watch Pacific.

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