Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday April 16, 2010

1630: Once again I got up at 0610. I followed my normal routine without a hitch. It was 60 when I left for the MAC. The temperature has been falling all day. We are also having some high winds. Frost is predicted for tomorrow morning. Today's DFP had several articles on the Detroit Schools. On average less than 25% of high school students are meeting expectations for their grade level. It is really grim. The WSJ on the other hand was predicting better economic times are ahead. They also continue to hammer the Dems for their reckless spending. I have been reading the WSJ daily for the past 3 months and I still don't know what a credit default swap or derivative is? I do know that gas has gone back up to $2.95 per gallon. It was $2.71 in Sparta yesterday.

After a quick lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to Rockford. Our first stop was Power Outdoors to see if they had any solo canoes. They did not. Our next stop was the Hush Puppy Outlet. I like my lined slide-on so much that I bought an unlined pair. This evening Nancy and I will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping and then we will go to Woodland Mall.

2118: Great Lakes Shipping was very crowded tonight. Last night their deck was full. Tonight the deck was closed because it was so cold. Both Nancy and I had the prime rib sandwich. After dinner we headed to the Mall. The mall was not crowded.

Tonight I watched the old movie with O. J. Simpson. It was called Police Squad. Missy skyped us tonight. Skype is a good way to communicate. Tomorrow, April 17, is Alessandra's first birthday. It is also my Dad's birthday. Dad was born in 1906.

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