Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday March 31, 2010

2116: I set my cell phone alarm for 0500. When it went off, we both got up immediately and got ready for our trip to GR. Yesterday Ms P was a bad dog. She is having a hard time taking a back seat to Akerke. Ms P is a real spoiled diva. Nancy and I concluded that she, Ms P, must come home with us. She growled when Nancy went to get her this morning. The trip home took us 4h30'. This was record time.

Nancy immediately got ready to go to Meijer Gardens and Ms P and I had to run several errands. I stopped by Alro Steel to see if I could purchase some structural tubing for my kayak rack. I can. This was good news. The bad news was that Nancy and I have to amend our taxes. Our refund will be reduced by $54.

My sister sent me a check from cousin Peg's estate. I deposited the check this afternoon. Peg's estate is now almost 99% closed out. Closure is good. In order to get my 30' in I walked to Gas Lite Village to renew a CD that had come due. Tonight is cereal night and after watching a rerun of NCIS we headed to bed at 2100. Nancy is right now talking to Veronica and she is bringing Nancy up to date on the ScottTeam. That's all I have folks, it is time for TAPS.

Tuesday March 30, 2010

I heard Missy getting up around 0500. She has to fly to Providence, RI for an interview. Nancy and I continue to sleep when we hear Akerke coming upstairs from her room. She was followed shortly by Ms P. We made room for all and sleep until after 0700. Nancy fixed Akerke eggs for breakfast and I headed to the Red Wing bakery to get coffee and scones for us big folks. After breakfast we loaded all the people into the Taurus and headed to Wal Mart. Nancy made several purchases. After Wal Mart we headed to Trader Joe's. We bought wine, 3 bottles of 2 buck Chuck, ginger snaps, soup and other assorted goodies. Yesterday Nancy bought a brick of the Amish cheese we like.

We got home in time for Akerke's nap. Grandpa also took a nap. After the nap I took Akerke on an one hour walk. I think she enjoyed it. Missy would not be home until after 2100 so we decided to eat out. We ate at a bar called Rush's. It was another of Lakewood's great neighborhood bars. I had a black Angus burger with a Blue Moon beer. Again Nancy and Akerke ate healthy. It was very enjoyable.

It being Tuesday means that we watch NCIS at 2000. However, Nancy said she had to get Akerke ready for bed. I watched the first half by myself. Nancy got Akerke to fall asleep by 2030. Missy was impressed.

We waited up for Missy and she got home around 2200. They were having record rainfall in RI but we had a nice day with temperatures in the high 50s. Missy said her interview went great. We all headed to bed at 2230. Nancy and Bob are getting up at 0500 and Missy has had a long day.

Monday March 29, 2010

Yesterday I noticed that the Taurus was overdue for a servicing. I decided that on Monday I would take it in before leaving for Cleveland. I was going to sleep and forego any exercise. However, I was wide awake at 0600 so I did my morning routine at 50%. At 0750 Nancy and I piled into the Taurus and headed to the MAC. I dropped Nancy off and headed to the Ford dealer. I got done in time to pick Nancy up after her body pump class. We stopped at home loaded the car and grabbed Ms P and headed for Ohio.

We were making good time when I realized that we would be in Cleveland before Missy and Akerke got home. Accordingly, we made a side trip to Ikea on Ford Road just off 275. Nancy made several purchases. We even had time for a hot dog lunch. We got to Missy's house around 1715. Missy got home at 1800.

Missy had a gift coupon so we ate dinner at the Pub. I had a Newcastle beer, very good, and Shepherd's Pie. Nancy and Missy had something healthy. After dinner we watched a little TV and then headed for bed. It was a long day.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday March 28, 2010

1648: Sunday and of course the alarm goes off at 0646. Bob, Nancy and Ms P are up and ready. Today the pool was not as crowded as last week. Only my lane had two people. We have enough supplies in house so we did not have to go to Meijer's. I did drive to the Kava House to get some coffee for us. I also topped off the Taurus. Gas was $2.85. Nancy made her world famous poached eggs this morning although she said I promised to take her to breakfast this morning. I forgot. Should I blame it on having a senior moment?

I took an early nap. After the nap I performed some plumbing chores. The sink in the master bathroom was very sluggish so I poured some very strong drain cleaner into the drain. I followed the instructions and tried the drain cleaner a second time. It worked, the drain is now super fast. The warnings on the drain cleaner bottle were very scary. I am glad I emptied the bottle. My second chore was to clean the filter on the kitchen sink faucet. I took the filter off and let it set in vinegar for about an hour. This chore did not work out as well as the first one. No improvement was noted. After the chores I walked over to D&W to mail the Verizon phone rebate to LSE.

Tonight we are finishing the beans and rice and Nancy is also fixing a hot dog for me. At nine I will watch HBO's Pacific. Missy said I did not have to buy HBO to see the Pacific series I could see it for free on my computer. I have never watched a TV show or movie on my computer.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday March 27, 2010

1656: The alarm goes off at 0626. We all get up and Nancy heads to the MAC to pump iron and Bob walks to Bills to get pancake and eggs. It was a very cold walk this morning. I read the DFP while eating and like all Saturday papers there was not much substance. Well I take that back MSU did win last night.

When I got home I wanted to ride my bike on a trail that I had not been on this year. I headed to the Musketawa Trail near Marne. It is a nice ride and with the leaves still off the trees I thought I might see some deer. No luck, the deer must be in hiding. It was a windy day with a stiff breeze out of the east. I was surprised by how few people were on the trail. In the summer this trail is usually crowded. I rode twenty miles. I average 10.9 mph according to my GPS. When I finished I sat in the car and tried to warm up. During this time I used my onstar phone and called Debbie. I like my hands free onstar phone. Debbie is very busy. She has to work tomorrow. She said the temperatures was in the 60s. After our conversation I pointed the C2 home. I was still cold so I took a shower and then a 60 minute nap.

2150: Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Panera Bread. I had black bean soup in a sourdough bread bowl and Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup. We both gave Panera a 2.3 rating. After we got home I headed downstairs and got the ice cream and we both had a bowl. Not much on TV tonight so I did a lot of channel surfing. At 2030 HBO ran Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood. I did not watch the entire show but what I saw was good. It was also good to see MV beat Kentucky.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday March 26, 2010

1607: Yes folks it is Friday. I was super tired and slept in until 0700. It was super cold this morning. The temperature was 19, as predicted last night, but the wind chill was 8. I really bundled up for my ride to the MAC. At the Kava House I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. Not much in either newspaper. Is the WSJ on Kindle a newspaper?

When I got home I ate a quick lunch and loaded up Ms P to run some errands. Our first stop was Alger Cycle to exchange the bike helmet I bought yesterday for a bigger helmet. Then we stopped at Kentwood Cycle to purchase a rear view mirror that mounts on the helmet. I then stopped at Home Depot to see if I can figure out how to build a kayak rack using my trailer hitch. Not much luck but I think I can use a threaded bar. I will compute its strength tomorrow. It is a simple calculation for a Civil Engineer. Our last stop was Bill and Paul's and I bought a single Yakima cross bar. The second cross bar will be off the trailer hitch.

I checked my email and found that two guys I had corresponded with on facebook yesterday had replied. I think us old guys are beginning to get the hang of facebook. In today's mail I finally got my rebate card from Verizon. I will send it to LSE tomorrow.

2130: I mentioned earlier that there was not much in today's DFP. I was wrong. The DFP ran an article on William Milliken the ex Governor of Michigan. Today is the Gov's 88th birthday. He was a gentleman and a moderate republican. The Governor stated that he is very disappointed with today's GOP. They are the party of NO and brought nothing to the health care debate. He supported health care reform. I agree with the Gov and can no longer call myself a republican and I certainly cannot call myself a democrat.

Tonight Nancy and I drove to Ada for dinner at Schitz's Deli. I had a corn beef sandwich and Nancy had a chicken sandwich. There was nothing on TV tonight. I did watch OSU lose a BB game. I just set the alarm for 0626. I will have pancakes at Bill's tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday March 25, 2010

1409: I slept in until 0640 today. The thermometer said the temperature at 0700 was 57. It felt a lot colder when I left for the MAC at 0900. I finished my MAC routine and left for the Kava House at 1100. It takes me about 90 minutes to read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP is not letting the ex Mayor off the hook. They reported today that Kilpatrick's family run non-profit had given $100,000 to his paramour. They asked "did they buy her silence"?

It seemed a lot colder on my ride home from the Kava House. Someone said the temperature might drop to 19 tonight.

2118: I did find some time to read all my mail. I also completed the Census form. This morning I broke the liner to my bike helmet. So this afternoon Ms P and I piled into the C2 and started some errands. We stopped at the post office to mail the Census form. Our next stop was Alger Schwinn. They had some replacement liners but none of them fit. My helmet was too old. I purchased a new helmet that was on sale. When I got home I tried on the helmet and it did not fit. In my haste I did not realize that helmets came in S-M-L sizes. I thought you just adjusted the liner band. I was wrong. Once again being impulsive did not pay. You would think after all these years I would have learned "haste makes waste".

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the perch and Nancy had a Sesame Chicken salad. Not much on TV tonight so we watched a rerun of NCIS. I did not watch the basketball games tonight. It is suppose to get very cold tonight. Nancy just took Ms P out and it was 36.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday March 24, 2010

2053: The alarm goes off at 0545. It is breakfast club morning. I take care of Ms P and bring Nancy her coffee and then I head to the Women's Civic Club for the meeting. The breakfast was real good, eggs, waffles, ham, American fries and a banana. A number of the members are still down south but I think at least 75% of the members were present. After the meeting I head to the Kava House to read the DFP. I wanted to relax before heading home and facing raking the lawn.

It took me four hours to finish raking the lawn. It feels good to have this miserable job done. Thank goodness I only do it once a year. All my other yard chores are much easier. Ms P was with me the entire time today. Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon.

After all the yard work Ms P and I took a 30 minute nap. After the nap we drove to Russo's so I could purchase some $4.99 wine. I bought two bottles. Nancy was home when Ms P and I returned from our errand. Our taxes arrived today and for once Nancy and Bob will receive a refund. We signed all the forms and I walked over to EGR City Hall to mail the taxes.

We watched the news and read the paper. At 2000 Nancy watched Mercy. I do not like that show.

Yesterday as I was walking around the block with Ms P in tow, I thought of my Dad saying he would never retire. After all what would he do "walk a little doggie carrying a pooper scooper"! What would Dad think of me now? Last week I thought I would increase the fiber in my diet naturally by eating dried prunes. I went to Meijer's and asked the girl where the dried prunes were located. She said they are no longer called prunes. They are dried plums. 95% of the buyers of dried plums are still old men looking to increase the fiber in their diet. What a difference a name makes? I think not.

We have had an incredible string of great weather. It is suppose to rain tomorrow. I need a rainy day to get all my winter projects completed. Getting 30' in is a breeze.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday March 23, 2010

1737: Today I slept in until 0640. All the yard work must have wiped me out. It was cold, low 30s, when I left for the MAC at 0900. I wore several layer, gloves and lined pants. When I left the MAC at about 1100 the temperature had gone up to the low 50s. Today was another bright, sunny day and was much better than yesterday because there was no wind. At the Kava House I again read both the DFP and WSJ. Both papers had articles on the new health bill and how it will impact the average Joe. It is kind of confusing about the time a special provision takes effect. Some provisions don't take effect until 2014 or 2018. Only time will tell the impact of the new law. The only thing we all know is that it is expensive.

The one reason I read the WSJ is because I have a real interest in energy, mining and the use of public lands for grazing and logging. I like to read about these issues and of course I want us to make use of our natural resources. The preceding statement should not surprise anyone. After all my grandfathers never saw a tree they did not like, to cut down.

After a quick lunch Ms P and I had to run several errands. We stopped at the bank and then Rylee's Hardware to purchase GR yard waste bags. Rylee's moved to their new 30,000 square foot store on Saturday. The new store is nice. I spent the next 2.5 hours raking the east side of the yard. Tomorrow I will finish my raking job. Ms P was outside the entire time I was raking.

Tonight Nancy is cooking a chicken breast with baked potatoes and string beans. We will watch the news and then NCIS. I have to get to bed early because I have breakfast club tomorrow.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday March 22, 2010

2047: We are all up at 0610. It is going to be a sunny but windy day. It was still cold when I got ready for my bike ride to the MAC so I bundled up. It is not the temperature so much as the strong wind that makes it uncomfortable. The MAC was busy this morning but I got everything done by 1000. At the Kava House I got the 20 oz coffee because I am going to read both the DFP and WSJ. I get home at 1300.

Nancy has to work at Meijer Gardens so Ms P and I are home alone all afternoon. Today I got the rake out and completed the big section of our front lawn. It was tough raking through all the heavy thatch. I started at 1400 and finished at 1730. Ms P was outside with me the entire time. She was always within my field of vision. It must be her age because three years ago she would have run off. I filled four GR yard waste bags.

Not much on TV tonight so I am heading to bed after I finish this blog. Before I came upstairs I took Ms P out. Ms P was spooked because of all the bird calls and activity. The noise was quite loud. I called Nancy to come out and listen to the birds. This is a sure sign of Spring. I hope you all got your 30 in today.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday March 21, 2010

1707: Everyone was up by 0700. Today is swim day at the MAC. It was snowing when we left for the MAC. The pool was very crowded, 2 folks in every lane. At Meijer's after our swim I topped off the Taurus. Gas was $2.89 per gallon. We purchase mostly perishables today. After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs, I head upstairs to take my Sunday nap.

After the nap I walked Ms P around the block and then walked 1.5 miles. The snow has stopped and the sun is out. It is a great Spring day.

I still am working on a method to carry my kayak. I drove to Gander Mountain to see if they had any car racks. They did not. I then stopped at Home Depot to look at some steel fittings I might use to make a carrier that would connect to the trailer hitch. It is still a work in progress.

When I got home the MSU game still had 3' left. It was a very exciting 3'. I'm glad MSU and OSU won. The tournament sure as been full of surprises. The gamblers in Vegas must be going mad.

Tonight Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. I will watch "Pacific" and then head for bed.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday March 20, 2010

1721: Happy First Day of Spring! Spring was welcomed in with a nice blanket of snow. Nancy and I got up at 0626 and Nancy headed to the MAC and I put on my raincoat and walked to Bill's. It was a mix of rain and snow when I started my walk but it quickly changed to just snow. Bill's was crowded this morning. I had my usual pancake and eggs for breakfast. I noticed the snow was sticking on my walk home.

Nancy got home at 1030 and then we all piled into the Taurus and headed to Costco. At Costco I had a prescription filled and Nancy purchased some laundry supplies.

2217: Tonight Nancy and I piled in the car and headed to the Moleski's. We picked Tom and Linda up and headed for the Swan Inn on Alpine. We all had liver and onions. We finished the evening by having dessert and coffee at the Moleski's. It was a very pleasant evening. It is still snowing but should stop by tomorrow.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday March 19, 2010

2100: Nancy gets up at 0600 because today she is going to the casino near Battle Creek. I follow at 0640. Nancy leaves to pick up the bus at 0710. I finish my work at the MAC about 1030. I have a 1200 meeting in GR so I do not go to the Kava House today. I get home and take Miss P out and then at 1130 head downtown. This is my first meeting as a member of the "Grand Rapids Construction Code Board of Appeals". There were 7 members in attendance today. Two members were architects, two worked for general contractors, two worked for mechanical contractors and yours truly. The City provided lunch.

Today's meeting involved an appeal by a five story 100 unit condominium association. The appeal concerned the installation of fire prevention measures and an alarm system. The condominium association was represented by their attorney and an association member. The fire department had several code compliance inspectors. The fire department did a good job explaining the code and their requests. The attorney representing the association was not prepared and his presentation reflected it. The meeting lasted nearly three hours. The Board voted to deny the appeals. The association would have been better represented if they had hired an engineer to present their case.

After the meeting I came right home to let Ms P do her bidness. I then left for a 1640 Doctor's appointment. Recently, during the day I have been constantly clearing my throat. The Doctor checked me out and thought I was having seasonal allergies. He recommended I resume using the nose spray that had been prescribed by the nose and throat Doctor. I had stopped using the spray because I thought it might be causing the problem. I will follow the Doctor's orders.

Nancy got home about 1800. She had won some money so she bought dinner. We dined at Olga's Kitchen. Nancy had a soup and salad and I had soup and a tuna sandwich. I watched part of the first half of the MSU game. I will take Ms P out one last time and then head for bed. If it does not rain tomorrow I hope to finish raking the front lawn. Think Spring!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday March 18, 2010

2035: It was another nice day with the temperature in the low 60s. Thursdays routine went off without a hitch. Since Kim the cleaning gal was here today I had time to thoroughly read the DFP and WSJ. I got home at 1300 and immediately had to run an errand I almost forgot. I got in the C2 and headed to the post office. Ms P did not want to come with me, she wanted to stay with Kim.

I started raking the front yard. The front yard is on a hill and this is the toughest area to rake. I ran out of gas and did not finish. If the weather holds I will finish tomorrow. I did fill two GR yard waste bags.

Nancy attended a luncheon that the hospital guild (gift shop) put on. She said she had a good time. This evening we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had a wet burrito. Not much on TV tonight. I did watch part of a basketball game. I have some reading to do for tomorrows "Construction Board of Appeals" meeting. I am also trying to wade through Dan Brown's "Lost Symbol". I know he went to Amherst but it is not a very good book. I don't understand all the rave reviews. During the nice weather I have no trouble getting my 30 in.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday March 17, 2010

1800: Happy St. Patrick's Day. Today is also the 154th birthday of Great Grandfather Sanborn. I remember one St Pat's day in 1956 when an Irish classmate, Jerry Kendziorski, invited several of his friends over to play cards. His mother served us green beer and we had baloney sandwiches on green bread. It was a fine feast.

Wednesday is my easy day so I slept in until 0700. I had several restaurants in mind for breakfast. I really wanted to go to Marie Catrib's for oatmeal and fruit but it was full. I ended up at the Cheri Inn and had blueberry pancakes and eggs. It was good but cost twice as much as Bill's. From now on Bill's has my business. After breakfast I loaded up the AT and headed for Riverside Park. I took the White Pine Trail to Rockford. The entire trip was 22 miles. It was a great day for any outdoor activity. Blue sky with temperatures in the 60s.

When I got home I got out my rake and starting on the planter strip. It took 2.5 hours but I had several diversions. I had to play with Ms P and I talked for at least 15 minutes with each abutting neighbor. This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens and then she went to a warehouse paper sale.

2120: Not much on TV tonight so Nancy watched "Mercy". I cannot understand that show. I am surprised it lasted this long. Tomorrow is suppose to be another nice day so I will try and get the front yard raked. I do need a couple of rainy days in order to get all the family material sorted and taken downstairs. I cannot move in my office because of all the boxes. I still must figure out a way to transport my kayak. When good weather comes I intend to spend at least 4 hours each day outside. How is that for a plan?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday March 16, 2010

1750: It must be Spring because I got up at 0600 and I was ready to go. I followed my normal Tuesday routine. It was freezing when I got on the AT and headed to the MAC. My gloved hands got cold. When I left the MAC the sun had raised the temperature to the high 40s. At the Kava House I read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP continues to report on the Detroit Public Schools. The state appointed Financial Manager said he is closing 45 schools this year. The DFP also had an article on Rep Conyers wife, who was recently sentenced to 3 years, being given a Court appointed lawyer. Can't Rep Conyers pay for his wife's appeal? I am sure this decision by the Federal Court will get a lot of attention.

Immediately after lunch Ms P and I headed to Costco for gas, peanut butter, mouth wash and prunes. When we got home I changed into my yard clothes and started raking and cleaning up the lawn. It is amazing how many branches, leaves and pine cones collect in the yard over the winter. I filled up 3 GR yard bags. It was a beautiful day with the temperature reaching 64. In fact I had to take a shower after I finished my yard work. Ms P assisted me in my yard work. Nancy said this is the longest time she has spent outside this year.

Tonight Nancy is having an OHNA Board meeting at our house. Right before the meeting, Ms P and I will head upstairs and watch NCIS. I hope there are some cookies left over after the meeting.

2114: There were cookies left over. The meeting was over at 2030. Ms P and I came downstairs and finished watching NCIS. I did the dishes and right now I am finishing this blog before heading to bed and my book. I am reading "The Lost Symbol". It is not very good.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday March 15, 2010

2040: DST lag. I did not get up until nearly 0700. The coffee was not made on time because I forgot to change the clock on the coffee maker. I did complete my morning at-home routine without a hitch. Yesterday, I attached a rear view mirror on the side of my bike helmet. This morning was the first opportunity I had to use it. It takes some time to get use to the mirror but I think it will serve its purpose.

I got to the MAC at 0930. It being Monday a lot of old guys who follow a M-W-F routine were there. I spent way too much time talking. I did not get to the Kava House until 1215. I read both the DFP and WSJ. Today's DFP had several articles on competing plans for the Detroit School System. The School Board, which has little power, had one plan and the State appointed financial Czar had another plan.

After a quick lunch I came upstairs and typed a letter to Verizon asking, nicely, for my phone rebate. I took the letter and purchase receipt to the office and faxed all the material they wanted to Verizon. I am very disruptive when I go to the office because I talk too much. I spent at least an hour and Ms P was not happy with my long absence. However, she would have to endure one more stop. I renewed a CD at 53rd bank. The interest rates are very low. I only got a 6 month CD in anticipation that rates will skyrocket by September. I took a 1.5 mile walk when I got home.

Tonight Nancy and I watched the evening news and part of Hardball. Well I really did not watch too much Hardball because I fell asleep. I watched part of House and at 2040 came upstairs to finish this blog before 2100 and the start of 24.

Sunday March 14, 2010

1902: The alarm was set properly and goes off at 0646. Ms P thought it was too early but I explained DST. Nancy and I head to the MAC for our Sunday swim. Today I did 1500 yards in 42'50". My goal is 40'. After the swim we head to Meijers where I top off the Taurus and Nancy purchases the week's supplies. Gas today was $2.79. For breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs and today we had the eggs on an English muffin.

I took my Sunday nap and then we all got in the Taurus and headed to the Star Cinema on Alpine Ave. This was a dry run for Nancy's Friday trip to meet a bus that will take her to the Battle Creek casino. We also stopped at a pet store and got some dog food for Ms P. I took a quick 1.5 mile walk so I could say I got my 30' in. Tonight we are finishing the soup Nancy prepared for her book club. We will watch 60 minutes and I will watch the HBO series "Pacific".

I spent some time after dinner inputting some more Sanborn family into the family tree software. The Sanborn family has been in the US since the 1650's. They were involved in the Indian Wars and the American Revolution.

The HBO series started at 2100 and was only an hour. I like the hour format because I would fall asleep if it lasted until 2300. The first episode was good. I said good not great.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday March 13, 2010

2134: The alarm goes off at 0626 and everyone gets up for a busy day. Nancy heads to the MAC for body pump and I walk to Bills for pancakes. I wore my GPS today and found out it is 2.33 miles from the house to Bills. This is my only exercise of the day.

When I get home I took some measurement on the trailer hitch. I think I will have an aluminum frame built that will attach to the hitch and be high enough to carry my kayak. I spent some time on-line checking on dimensions of aluminum bars and tubing and checking out towable trailers. I also completed my cell phone directory. I read about the poor grades football players were getting on the "wonderlic" test. I googled the test and took a sample test. The test given football players is 50 questions and most player's score was less than 50%. I did not think the test was very difficult. They had 14 sample questions and I got 100%. Then again I am not as dumb as I look. I was so proud of myself that I took a nap.

After the nap Nancy and I decided to go to the movies. What better way to spend a windy rainy afternoon. The movie we saw was "Up in the Air". Nancy gave it a 3 and I gave it a 2.5. After the movie Nancy asked me how old was I when I took my first commercial flight. Nancy said she was 12 when she flew to Florida for spring break. I took my first flight when I was 23. I flew from Detroit to Rhode Island. The Navy gave me a free ticket. I was on my way to OCS. However, in the next 3.5 years I flew in all kinds of planes.

We had dinner at Russ' and we both had soup and a double meat burger. Not much on TV so we came up at 2100. I forgot that tomorrow starts DST so I reset the alarm and I am heading to bed.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday March 12, 2010

1650: Ms P got me up at 0610. She had some urgent issues that were soon accomplished when I opened the door. I followed a normal Friday routine until I was reading a book review in the WSJ. The book being reviewed was by Prof Roger M. Battistella of Cornell. I knew a Roger Battistella who was in grad school in the late 50s at UM. Roger was working on his PHD. I looked him up at Cornell but have not been able to find an email address.

I had some errands to run so immediately after lunch Ms P and I started our errands. First stop was the bank and then the Kava House for a choc chip cookie. We then stopped at the Vet to get some medicine for Ms P. Medicine for a dog is not cheap. I dropped some tax material off at J Dykema, CPA and our final stop was at Mr. Thang's to pick up my leather coat with a new zipper. After all that driving I took a 1.5 mile walk.

I just checked my email and have received a response from Verizon. It looks like I will get my rebate. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the Outback for a Queensland salad.

2132: We went to Outback and both had the Queensland Salad. I had a Blue Moon beer. I like Blue Moon. After dinner we went to Lowes so Nancy could look at some bathroom fixtures and flooring. Tonight we watched the show that traces celebrities family tree. Tonight they traced Emmit Smith's ancestors back to Africa. It was a good show. I just set the alarm so Nancy can make her 0700 class at the MAC and I can get to Bill's for pancakes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday March 11, 2010

1730: I was out of bed by 0630. My normal routine was completed without a hitch. On Mondays and Thursdays I have added dead lifts to my routine. I read that us old folks should lift weights. I hate lifting weights. However, I read several articles that said if you have to do one weight exercise it should be the dead lift. It is suppose to strengthen the core. I now lift 110 pound. I do three sets of five.

After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read both the DFP and WSJ. It took nearly 1.5 hours. On my way home I stopped Ms P and Nancy on their way to Williams Kitchen and Bath. Nancy is looking for a new sink and head for the master bathroom. I had a quick lunch and then spent some time on my computer. Ed Namey sent me some data on Bing maps. I looked at some of the maps but they are not as good as Google Earth. I am continuing my battle with Verizon about a rebate on my new phone. The phone came in a teeny box and I threw it away when I unwrapped the Fed Ex box. The teeny box had a bar code that Verizon says I need. Janice at Verizon said without the bar code I cannot get a rebate. I say they activated my phone, I have the Customer Receipt and they are billing me. Anyway I replied to Janice's rejection email by saying I am contacting the PSC, etc. What does she care.

On a lighter note. Nancy and I measured the bathroom and I drew up at plan with all the dimensions. I did it on a copy of ACAD light that I have. I was surprised that I remembered how to use ACAD. Nancy is working at Meijer Garden tonight so she is fixing her famous soup she served the Book Club last night.

I was going to take a walk later on this afternoon but it started to rain. This evening I might continue working on the Sanborn family tree. Dad had a huge book on the Sanborn family and I finally was able to figure out the secret code. I can go five generation past GG Sanborn.

2059: After dinner I watched the news and tried to find a good movie on HBO or Encore. No luck. I called Helen today and told her that Tom Kennedy has passed away. Tom grew up three doors south of our house on First Street. He was married to a classmate of Helens.

When Nancy got home from the Gardens she said she got soaked walking to her car. We are now heading for bed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday March 10, 2010

1647: The alarm goes off at 0545 and I hustle to get ready for the 0700 Breakfast Club. I took Ms P out and noticed that we had our first rain of 2010. Snow is not rain. Today's Breakfast Club was well attended. The speaker is director of Kent County's Waste to Energy Plant. He was introduced by Dave Despres who used to be his boss. Dave also use to be my boss. It was a good presentation with plenty of questions. After the meeting I drove downtown to pay a eye doctor bill. I also stopped at the Kava House to read the DFP. I will read the WSJ tonight when I have dinner at Olga's Kitchen.

I checked my email and then got on my AT and pedaled to the MAC. I swam 1,000 yards in 28'00". There was a woman in the next lane who was twice as fast. As I was getting dressed a member told me that it was starting to rain hard. I thought I would have to pedal home in heavy rain. However, it did not rain, in fact the sun came out.

I spent a hour reading on my computer. I read "US NEWS", the Daily Beast, and the Alpena News. In the past month, two of my high school classmates have died. That news was a bummer. I am also applying for a rebate on my new cell phone. However, I threw away the box the phone came in. The instructions say I need this data, so I emailed Verizon to ask what can I do.

I called Tom Cassell this afternoon. Tom was one of my best friends in high school. Tom is about 6'5" and weighs close to 300#. He was a good football player. Tom is now retired but his last job of about 15 years was driving truck. He drove all over the US. I asked about his favorite routes and the best route for me if I drive to CA. I got out an atlas as Tom pointed out the most scenic routes. We talked for about 45 minutes.

Nancy got home early from the Gardens and is now cooking corn meal bread and her special soup. Book Club starts at 6. I will start walking to Olga's about 1730.

2005: It was a nice warm evening for the short walk to Olga's Kitchen. I had a bowl of Peasant Soup, 4 on a 4 scale, and a tuna sandwich, another 4. I am now sitting in the office drinking a beer and writing this blog. As soon as book club ends I will head downstairs and get a piece of blueberry pie. Blueberry pie with ice cream a great way to end the day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday March 9, 2010

1711: Up at 0620 and complete the morning routine including breakfast by 0850. I hopped on the AT and road to the MAC. Today, like all Tuesdays, the MAC was empty. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. Today's DFP had an article on all the officials from Detroit that are being sentenced this week. The DFP is also reporting on all the troubles of Toyota. Is it payback time?

As soon as I got home I took Ms P around the block. I had a quick lunch and then Ms P and I started running errands. I stopped by the hitch place to see if they sold car roof racks. They said no. We then headed to Kohl's to see if they had some Docker K9 khaki pants. They did not. We also stopped at Penny's to see if they had the pants. No luck. Our last stop was at the bike shop on East Paris and I bought a mirror that I can attach to my helmet. I finished my outside activities with a 1.5 mile walk.

Donni called from LSE telling me that my phone is finally activated. I tested it out and it works fine. Nancy is preparing her soup for tomorrow night. It smells good. Tonight we watch NCIS. I might also watch HBO. Last night I watched an episode of "Band of Brothers". It was good.

2117: We just finished watching NCIS and are heading to bed early. I have breakfast club tomorrow so I must get up at 0535. Nancy has a very busy day. After the MAC she has to work at Meijer Garden and then must hurry home and finishing preparing her soup for tomorrows book club at our house.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday March 8, 2010

1730: Monday moaning started out slow. Nancy had a Blodgett Board meeting so she did not have to get up early. I slept in until 0645. Even Ms P did not want to get up. After I finished my morning routine and breakfast I tried to activate my replacement phone. No luck, so I called Verizon and spoke to a human. The bottom line was that SCECO had to send a fax on company letterhead to state that I was authorized to use the phone. I have been using it for the past 10 years. Carol and Donni at LSE were very patient. I was just mad. I still cannot use the phone.

I rode the AT to the MAC today. The sidewalks were 99% dry. After my morning routine at the MAC, I headed to the Kava House. It was about 15 degrees warmer than when I left home. I worked up a sweat and will have to make a clothes and helmet adjustment tomorrow. Because of all the delays attributed to the cell phone I did not get to the Kava House until 1200. I read both the DFP and WSJ. I got home about 1330. I had a lot of errands to run today so I loaded Ms P into the C2 and headed out. First we stopped at Mr. Thang's to get a new zipper on my leather jacket. We then stopped at Comcast and I ordered 3 months of HBO. I want to watch the Pacific series that starts this Sunday. It cost $10 per month and we get 10 HBO channels. Ms P and I then stopped at Costco and I purchase some kickapoo juice for the contact. Finally we stopped at Staples to purchase another plastic storage container for all the family memorabilia. When I got home I took a short walk around the neighborhood. Nancy worked at Meijer Garden this afternoon and she got home about 1700.

2115: Tonight was cereal night. I also had some wine. We watched the news and then several cable news show. At 2000 I watched, Nancy read, a Band of Brothers on HBO. It was about the 101 Airborne training for D Day.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday March 7, 2010

1616: The alarm goes off at 0646 and everyone gets up and gets ready for another sunny day. Sunday is swim day so we get to the MAC in time for the 0800 opening. Today I had a PB. I swam 1,500 yards in 42'30". After the MAC, of course, we head to Meijers for our week's supplies. I top off the Taurus. Gas is now $2.77 per gallon. Nancy is having book club this Wednesday so she had to get some supplies for the soup she is preparing.

Breakfast this morning included Nancy's world famous poached eggs and fresh melon. When I was a boy you could not get fresh melon in March. After reading a section of the paper I head upstairs to take my nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 3 mile walk. It is a beautiful spring day. The mean temperature for this day is 31. Tomorrow the mean temperature rises to 32 degrees. We have 11h 30' of daylight. Spring is on its way.

2050: Nancy fixed hamburgers for dinner tonight. We also had broccoli, cottage cheese and apple cake. I also had some wine left over from the TGIF. We watched the local news and started to watch 60 minutes but it was a rerun. We watched part of Barbara Walters and the Oscar show. Neither was very good. We are headed to bed early. I just started the new Dan Brown book the "Lost Symbol". Remember everyone must still get their 30 in every day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday March 6, 2010

1705: I set the alarm for 0626 so Nancy could get to the MAC. We both get up and Nancy heads for the MAC and I walk to Wolfgang's for breakfast. I had the hash with eggs. It was ok but expensive compared to Bill's. After breakfast Ms P and I get in the C2 and head to FedEX to pick up my new cell phone. On our way home we ran the C2 through the car wash. Ms P does not like a car wash.

As I mentioned yesterday I plan on riding my AT to Rockford. I put the super duper rack on the car, load up the AT, and head for Riverside Park. The paved bike path through Riverside was snow covered and slippery. I thought it might be localized but the ice and snow only got worse as I headed North. I rode back to the car and came home. I then rode around Reeds Lake and that trail was dry. So I rode twice around Reeds Lake and then around the neighborhood until I had 15 miles. I was so cold after the ride that I took a hot shower and then got between the sheets for a short nap. This time of year I get cold if I ride over 30 minutes. I do not know why because today was a beautiful day with temperatures above 40. I know one hard core bike rider that has the same problem. He gets so cold that he heads to the MAC and sits in the hot tub to get warm.

I got the cell phone all charged up but could not activate it because I could not remember SCECO's fed ID #. Life does throw us some curve balls.

I got a special issue from SI today. It is the Olympics in pictures. SI has great photos. Tonight Nancy and I are taking a coupon and heading to Malarky's. It is located on the East Beltline at I96. It will be a first for us.

2130: Dinner at Malarky's was good. Nancy had the Asian Chicken Salad and I had spaghetti with meat balls. I also had a Blue Moon beer. I like Blue Moon.

Nancy had a long talk with Debbie this afternoon. Missy and Akerke skyped us this evening. On Monday I am going to check into getting HBO just for the Pacific series. It lasts 10 weeks.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday March 5, 2010

1349: Spring is here I rode my bike this morning to the MAC. After my morning at home routine I put on a warm jacket and mittens and got on the AT (all terrain) and headed to the MAC. I encountered several ice patches but the AT had no problem plowing through them. Since I was not limited by the time on a parking meter I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. Today's DFP had an article on a contractor for the City of Detroit who paid the ex-mayor and his father hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes. The saga continues.

I got home at 1300 had a quick lunch and then started writing this blog. This afternoon Nancy and I are heading to the Home Show downtown and then to a hockey game at the Van Andel. We are going to the hockey game with the Moleski's. Tonight is $1 beer and hot dog night. Stay tuned.

2236: At 1500 we left for the Home Show. We are looking for some ideas for the bathroom in the master bedroom. The crowd did not seem very large but it might be typical for a Friday afternoon. We walked around and saw all the displays. At 1730 we headed towards Van Andel Arena. We took the skyway from the Home Show to the Arena. Didn't even have to step outside. We met the Moleski's as planned at 1800. The place was crowded. The lines for the $1 beer and hot dogs were very long. $1 beer night last for 2 hours. There is a limit of two beers each visit but you can go back as much as you like. I think the folks in front of us had about 8 beers each. Needless to say the crowd was quite loud. It was a good game. GR won 3-1. There were 60 shots on goal.

Today was another bright sunny day with temperatures in the mid 40s. Tomorrow I am going on a 20 mile ride on the White Pine Trail.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday March 4, 2010

2104: Today is my mother's birthday. She would be 103. Teddy R was president when mother was born. Mother always said she was born on Inauguration Day. Until 1940 presidents took office on March 4. Today it is January 20. In 1907 Oklahoma became the 46th State. I remember in 1942 or 43 my father was working for the US Army in Chicago and he sent my mother a birthday present wrapped in the Sunday funny papers. I loved looking at the funnies. Dad wrote mother a letter every day he was away. WWII created disruptions to almost every family. In fact in going through our family material I found WWII rationing cards for my sister and me.

Today I got up at 0630 and immediately started my morning routine. I was going to ride my bike to the MAC but it was still very cold. I took the C2. In the hour I am at the Kava House I can read the DFP and the first section of the WSJ. I had a scheduled appointment at the Kent County Health Department to get my 2nd Hep B shot. I was scheduled for 1300 and had my shot by 1315.

This afternoon I made several phone calls. I called Tom Cassell an AHS classmate. Tom was not home. I called SPS at work to see if he had received a package. Steve was not available. I called Donni at LSE and talked to her about the new phone I purchased. Donni as always was in a good mood. I also talked to my sister. We talked about mother and our memories. Helen also said that it looks like cousin Peg's estate will be closed soon. Helen has done a good job pulling all the loose ends together.

Later in the afternoon I put on my bike helmet, pumped up the tires and took a 40 minute ride. It was my first ride of the year. It felt great. After the ride, Nancy and I headed to GLS for our Thursday night dinner. We got home in time for the evening news. Not much on TV except Tom Brokaw's Boomer series on CNBC. I was going to watch it, but heck, I am not a Boomer. I would like to see Tom Hank's series on the war in the Pacific, WWII. It is on HBO and I might see if I can get HBO just for this series. I got my 30 in today did you?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday March 3, 2010

1731: Wednesday is my easy day. In fact I left for Bill's before Nancy left for the MAC. I was surprised but the sidewalks were all clear. It was cold when I left the house about 0730, 23 degrees, but it was above freezing when I left Bill's at 0930. The sun has some warmth to it. It was a great day for a walk.

When I got home I checked my email and called Carol Smith at LSE and told her about the phone. She said get a replacement. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed for the MAC and a 1,000 yard swim. I was pleased with my time. I set a PB. I had a 1400 GRBA meeting so I headed home, changed my clothes, and headed downtown. We had one issue on the agenda. A bar/restaurant located at the NW corner of Division and Weston constructed a deck on the west side of their bar. The GRBA built a multi-level parking structure within 60 feet of the deck. The owners are claiming that lights from cars in the ramp create a major distraction for their patrons enjoying a drink on their deck. The GRBA staff agrees with the owners. The cost of a fix will be above $100,000. Stay tuned!

After the GRBA meeting I headed for a Verizon Store in Woodland Mall. Guess what? They have no store not even a kiosk, so I visited the free standing store on the mall property. They said they could not sell me a phone. I started to complain and finally they ordered me a phone from their main office. It will be delivered Friday. Nothing is easy anymore.

After I got home I checked out my bike. I was thinking of riding it to the MAC tomorrow. I have a slight problem. I cannot remember the combination for the lock? My sister and I talked several times today regarding closing out Peg's estate. Tax issues are never easy.

Tonight we watched the evening news, read the paper and watched a little TV. TV viewing is not very good on Wednesday evening. I finally have all the family stuff in plastic storage bins. Right now I have to find a place to store them so the Kim can clean my office tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday March 2, 2010

2124: It must be the longer days but I got up at 0615. This is earlier than most days in February. Nancy left before 8 to get to the MAC. I left at 0850. It was Tuesday and the MAC was not very crowded. Most folks work out on a M-W-F routine.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I had to wear the sunglasses on the trip to the MAC. Our snow is slowly melting. I read the DFP at the Kava House. The paper had several articles on the possible disbarment of several attorneys representing the late Mayor. The depopulation of Detroit is also causing major problems for the City and its school system. The times they are not good. I also read that the classmate of Steve's at UM is running for Michigan AG. He is the son of 1-800-call-sam.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. We walked on dry sidewalks. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs and spent the next 3 hour sorting and filing family memorabilia. I have boxes for RHS, RSS, Scott and Hughes families. My mother never threw anything away. My work was interrupted by a frantic call from Nancy. Ms P had a seizure. It happened when she jumped off a chair. We held her and slowing the seizure subsided. She was back to normal in 30 minutes. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. The great weather is bringing a lot of folks outdoors.

I can remember in the winter of 1942, when Helen was a baby, she had a seizure as my mother was changing her diaper. Mother yelled at me to run next door and get the doctor. I was very confused being only 3 years old. However, I did run next door and the doctor came over. Can you imagine being able to get a doctor to run over to your house on a moment's notice today. If fact who lives next door to their doctor's office. The doctor probably told my mother to make herself a good stiff drink.

This evening Nancy made tomato meat sauce with whole wheat pasta. The meat sauce was great but we will dispense with the whole wheat pasta. We also finished 2 bottles of wine left over from the OHNA TGIF party.

We read the paper and watched NCIS before heading upstairs. I read the GRBA agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday March 1, 2010

1743: I got up at 0615 and took Ms P out to do her bidness. She had slept through the entire night without having to go outside. In fact she has been doing this for the past 3 weeks. The first day of March and it came in like a lamb. The sun shone all day. I took a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood and found the sidewalks to be 95% bare. If this keeps up I will take my bike to the MAC on Thursday.

It was a typical Monday at the MAC. It was crowded and I had difficulty finding a parking space. I did not get to the Kava House until 1120. I read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I read my email and had lunch. After lunch Ms P and I took our tax data to Jerry D. After Jerry D we went to the Verizon Store. My phone is shot. I will call Carol Smith tomorrow and see what she wants to do.

This afternoon I talked with Jennifer Dougherty and Tom Mayan. I asked Jennifer how to get rid of the games on my computer. After our talk I played around some more and finally found out how to delete the games. I deleted solitaire and free cell. Tom Mayan and I talked about an employee at Pickett and Scheur (sp?). His name is Al Branhan. Tom could not recall the name. Tom also updated me on how his grandsons high school teams are doing. It is always good to talk to someone who remembers the old days. Notice I did not say "good".

I just took out the garbage and got my 30' in by walking 2 miles. Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens today. Tonight is cereal night. I will miss watching the Olympics. I cannot recall what we watch on Mondays.

2045: There was absolutely nothing on TV tonight. At 2000 I took Ms P out and then came upstairs to finish this blog. I hope tomorrow I can resume filing all the old family photos and memorabilia. Think Spring!