Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday October 31, 2009

It rained and the wind blew hard all last night. The alarm goes off at 0636 and Nancy gets up to go to her body pump class at the MAC. I decided to go for a long run. I head out around 0730 and it is pitch black. I wore my GPS and ran my old route from the 70's. It is 4.5 miles. I ran the distance without any pain. However, my time was terrible. I averaged 11:40 per mile. Yesterday I ran a 9:50 mile inside. It started to rain halfway through the run. It was raining so hard the last mile that I had to take my glasses off to see. Sunrise this morning was 0815. I am glad today is the last day of daylight savings time.

I drove to the Kava House for coffee and a scone. Nancy dropped by the Kava House later and I bought her a coffee. I drove up to the Chevy dealer on Plainfield to look at their selection of Cobalts. It was limited and they offered the same for my Aztek as the 28th St dealer. I understand that the reason for the short supply of Focus and Cobalt cars is the cash for clunkers program. Dealers wiped out their inventory of small, gas efficient cars. I also stopped by Eddie Bauer to see if they had a jacket I saw in their catalog. They did not but I did purchase a pair of lined Khakis.

This afternoon I took a short nap and finished my book. Nancy fixed veggie burgers for dinner. They were quite good. I also had a bowl of soup. I was in charge of handing out candy tonight. The number of trick or treaters was not as heavy as past years. I think it was because a lot of neighbors were not participating. I turned the lights off at 8.

Today we talked with all the family. Debbie said it was in the 70s in Santa Clara. Melissa was taking Akerka trick or treating. Steve, Veronica and the kids were going to a Halloween party. I watched some football today. My take on UM is that they are not very well coached. I thought IU got a bad call in their game with Iowa. I also watched part of the baseball game.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild clear Monday. GG purchased $5 worth of wood for the church from J.C. Kendrick.

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