Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday October 7, 2009

I set the alarm last night and that means it is breakfast club day. As soon as I get out of the rack I get Ms P outside so she can do her bidness. I arrived at Breakfast Club at exactly 0700. Today's speaker was the new Director of the Blandford Nature Center. I was very impressed with both the speaker and her presentation. After the meeting Jim Burr, an attorney, and kind of social chairman for the club asked me if I would be willing to give the Invocation and Introduction of Speaker at future meetings. I agreed. What could I say?

I got home about 0900 and immediately changed my clothes, grabbed my Kindle and headed to the Kava House. Today's DFP had several good articles on how Mayor Bing is going to solve Detroit's financial problems. I thought he gave some very good answers. The paper also reported on the State's financial problems. It looks like we might have a tax increase in order to fund some popular programs. Of course the paper talked about the Tigers heart breaking loss to the Twins last night.

I left the Kava House at 1130 and headed home to drop off the Kindle and then I pedalled to the MAC for a swim. I swam 1050 yards. I continue practicing breathing on every third stroke.

The morning was cold and dreary. When I got home from swimming I turned the heat on. This is the first time this fall. I also loaded up Ms P and headed to Staples to buy some storage containers. I plan on organizing all the family material on these cold days. After Staples I took a 3 mile walk.

It is now 8:22 and I am finishing this blog. Not much on TV so I will continuing reading my book. Just a reminder to get your 30 minutes outside every day. This includes cold, dreary days.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported that they had a heavy frost last night. There was ice on the lake. GG finished digging potatoes, 1.5 bushels. Uncle John and Aunt Laura also were cleaning up their garden but GG did not see them.

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