Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday October 16, 2009

For the first time in ages I slept through from 10 PM until 0630. When I went downstairs Missy was feeding Akerke. I think they are catching up on the jet lag. Nancy decided to stay home from the MAC so she can play with Akerke. I put on my running shoes and ran to the MAC (2.4 miles, 4K). I am happy with the way my knees have responded to my increased running. In fact I think my pace has increased since I started the twice weekly 4.8 mile (8K) runs.

When I got home Nancy asked me to put the car seat in the Taurus. The girls were going to baby r us to purchase a new model car seat. After putting the seat in, I headed for the Kava House. It took two hours to read the DFP and WSJ.

After lunch Nancy asked if I would take Missy to Target so she could get a prescription filled. Missy has not been feeling well. While I was at the Kava House she went to a med center and was told she had a bad ear infection. The doctor gave her the prescription. We took Ms P with us. After Target we stopped by baby r us and bought a super duper car seat.

I also got my car washed and stopped by Best Buy to purchase a new computer monitor. I got a 24". It is really nice. Missy is going to take Nancy's old computer and my monitor.

For dinner tonight I headed to the "Outback" and purchased three Queensland salads. The food was good. Not much on TV so I am going to play with my new monitor.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Sunday. GG noted that they had a 1130 church service instead of an evening service. In the afternoon he and Hazel took a drive.

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