Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday October 3, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and I also hear it raining outside. It has been a long time since we have had a rainy Saturday. I decide that I will get my exercise by running on the track at the MAC. First I have to take Ms P outside so she can do her bidness. It was raining hard enough that I took the Aztek. I ran 3 miles and I was surprised that I experienced no pain. After the MAC I go across the street to D&W where I buy several donuts and a cup of coffee. I take out the Kindle and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP was full of stories about today's UM/MSU game.

When I get home it is still raining so I load Ms P in the Aztek and we head to the Tractor Supply Store in Hudsonville. I want to buy a pair of Carhartt lined jeans. The store did not have any so I head to the Outpost in Holland. I was disappointed that the Outpost did not have any clothes I wanted to buy. I will have to buy my winter clothes on-line.

When Ms P and I get home we found Nancy cleaning out her closets. She was putting the summer clothes away and bringing out the winter clothes. Nancy also threw away a lot of clothes she is not wearing. Between us we have enough clothes for four adults.

I have copied all of Nancy's files on her old computer onto a hard disc. I also printed out all relevant material. We might give the old Dell computer to Tasha if she wants it. I watched the OT of the UM/MSU game. I was disappointed in the outcome. I was also disappointed in the outcome of the ND game.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Russ' for soup and a burger. The place was crowded. Nancy is downstairs watching TV and I am rearranging the office. I moved the TV and printer. I rearrange the office about every 3 months. Change is good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that the day (Monday) started out rainy but it soon cleared out and the rest of the day was sunny. GG and friends finished picking tomatoes. They got about a bushel. GGM, Hazel, drove to Bay City with Fern. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon.

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