Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday October 21, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0535. It is Wednesday and I have 0700 breakfast club, followed at 0900 with a GRBA meeting. It was pitch black when I left the house this morning. I think in early November DST will go off so it won't be so dark. The breakfast club is held at the Women's Civic Club. The food is very good and this morning I had scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and a very large croissant. (Nancy told me how to spell croissant) The temperature is going to reach 60 today and several members were talking about an afternoon game of golf.

The GRBA meeting was centered on three projects we are doing for the GR Parking System. Two of the projects are wrapping up and the city should have about 500 additional parking spaces by the end of November. The meeting lasted about an hour.

After the meeting I drove to the office to see if I could find the picture Nancy took of me when my shingles were in full bloom. I am providing this photo to several of the facebook readers as an incentive to get a shingles shot.

Speaking of shots a large number of schools in the GR area are closed because of the flu. The shots for H1N1 are slow in arriving. I hope all our grandkids get their shot.

When I got home I checked my email and also the Alpena News. I was sorry to hear that my cousin Ann's husband died yesterday. I might attend the funeral on Friday. I had a tuna salad sandwich for lunch. After lunch I loaded up the AT and headed for Riverside Park. I rode my bike up to Rockford a distance of 11.2 miles. It was a perfect day for a ride. The temperature was 60, sunny and the colors were a full peak. The trail was crowded with a lot of old folks like me. On my way home I encountered a very heavy head wind. It took me 10 minutes longer.

I took a quick shower and then laid down for a short nap. I woke up 1.5 hours later. It is now 9:00 and Nancy just finished watching Mercy. I don't like the show. My book is getting good so I will retire immediately after finishing this blog. I read someplace that if you want a good night's sleep you should never read in bed. I don't follow that advice.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Friday, GG and GGM drove to Alpena. GG got his hair cut and then paid $10 on a note. They took Aunt Laura beggies and 10 squash. They had dinner in town and got home about 8. I do not know what beggies are.

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