Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday October 20, 2009

Tuesday and Friday are the days I run to the MAC. I have been doing this routine for about 4 weeks. Today it appeared that the run was becoming easier for me. I think it is because I am running more miles each week (14 miles vs 6 miles). Of course I have decreased my rowing distance by 10K. I do think for aerobic value, running is superior to rowing. However, I cannot prove this.

It was 50 degrees when I left for the MAC so I wore shorts. I don't know how long this warm weather will last.

Today's WSJ had a very scathing article on our Gov. They claim she has ruined the business climate in MI and is nothing but a tool of the public sector unions. I agree.

After lunch I loaded up the bike and again headed for John Ball Park. I rode the Kent Trail along the south side of the river to its termini at the Grandville Sewage Plant. I then took the south branch of the trail towards Byron Center but turned around at the Wyoming Sewage Plant. The trails have been recently paved and it is a great ride. All the communities in the area should be proud of the recent improvements in bike trails. I almost hit two deer that ran across the trail.

This evening Nancy is fixing meat loaf. This is one of my favorites. Nancy has an OHNA meeting tonight and she must give the treasurer's report. I have a GRBA meeting tomorrow so I must read the meeting packet that was emailed me. The City now puts all meeting info in adobe format. I like it. I will, however, watch NCIS at 8. This is the only non-news show I regularly watch.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938, I was confused by today's entry. Here is what GG wrote: "Thursday, cool wind, Kitter finished putting in Vetch, 45 lbs, cost of seed $5, express 71, plowed under corn stalks about 2 acres, brought in beggies".

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