Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday October 14, 2009

Wednesday my easy day. My first big decision is where am I going to have breakfast. I selected Bill's on Michigan Ave. It is a favorite of the cheap eats folk. After breakfast I loaded up the AT and headed for John Ball Park and the Kent Trails Bike Path. The trail has been resurfaced recently. It was a nice smooth ride. The north end of the trail follows the Grand River and I travelled along the west side of the river eventually crossing the river using an old RR bridge. I followed the trail until it passed under the freeway. On my return home as I crossed over the bridge I turned left (west) instead of right and followed the trail until it got to Millennium Park. The park has two paved bike paths. I took the east path and it took me through some great wetlands for about 4 miles. Following the park trail I ended up back on Kent Trails and it was just a short ride back to John Ball Park. The entire trip was about 14 miles. I highly recommend this trip.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed for the airport. Today Missy (aka Tasha) and Akerke (aka AJ) arrive from Kazakhstan. The entire flight took over 36 hours. Needless to say both Missy and Akerke were exhausted. It was great seeing them and Nancy had purchased some ballons and presents for the girls. Akerke was fascianted with the ballons. Akerka has a Kazakhstan passport but is now officially a USA citizen.

After a quick dinner and bath Missy and Akerke headed to bed. The only sad thing about today was that Ms P was kind of left out of all the activity. Akerke will need some time to get use to the dog. Right now she is outside the bedroom door whining to get in. I will grab her after I finish the blog.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear warm Friday. GG said he took in beans and pulled most of the pods off. You farmer can figure that statement out.

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