Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday October 11, 2009

I set the alarm for 0656 but I got up before that because Ms P had to do her bidness. It being Sunday we head for the MAC and our Sunday swim. I swam 1500 yards. Gas was $2.55 a gallon at Meijer's so I topped off the Taurus's tank. We stocked up on food for Tasha's and AJ's visit on Wednesday. I am sure Tasha will be very tired after traveling almost 15 hours on a plane with a 19 month old child who had not even been in a car until 3 weeks ago.

As usual I took a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I make some changes to the AT bike. I removed the rear storage bag and mounted a tire pump on the vertical strut. I needed to remove the bag because as an old guy I have a tough time lifting my leg over the saddle when I dismount. Now I just slid the bike forward when I stop and do not need to lift my leg. After working on the AT bike I rode around Reeds Lake two times. I was a nice day for a ride. The colors keep getting better. The trail around Reeds Lake was crowded with runners, walkers and bikers.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs and beans for dinner tonight. This is one of my favorite meals. We will probably watch 60 minutes and the football game until 9. I will go to bed to read and Nancy will watch, Law and Order or CSI, I can't remember.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Tuesday with a few clouds. GG drove to Alpena to deliver 10 squash to Aunt Laura. He also purchased a new item at the Ford dealer for the car. The church is having a roast pork dinner tonight.

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