Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday October 17, 2009

Saturday morning and the alarm goes off at 0636. Nancy is out of bed like a shot and she heads to the MAC for body pump. I get up slowly and head for the Brandywine for breakfast. I got home a little after nine and Nancy gets home a little later. Missy and Akerke are already up. Missy has fixed Akerke her breakfast.

It was a nice sunny day so I load up the kayak and head for Ada and the Grand River. When I got to the launch I noticed that the parking lot was full. This was the start of duck season and as I was unloading about 3 boats were coming. Most of the hunters said they did not get the limit but they all had some success. While kayaking I did not see any critters. However, any sunny day is a great day to be on the water. I spent about 2.5 hours on the water.

While I was kayaking Nancy took Missy and Akerke to Meijers Garden. Nancy said Akerke had a great time. This afternoon I broke down and cut the grass. This is absolutely, positively the last time this year. Missy could not get her car started so she ended up getting a new battery.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a nice Italian dish. It starts with L and I cannot spell it. There was not much on TV. Missy and Akerka are still suffering from jet lag so they went to bed early. Nancy and I retired at 9 to read.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported no rain but a partly cloudy Monday. GG drove to Kettern and arranged for him to plow on Wednesday. In the afternoon GG worked on beans.

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