Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday October 26, 2009

It rained on my way to the MAC and also on my way to the Kava House. If fact it rained all day. On my bike ride this morning I saw all the professional lawn care companies out with their leaf blowers. The recent rains have dropped a ton of leaves. In EGR all you have to do is blow the leaves into the gutter and the city will pick them up. In GR you must bag all your leaves.

I did not leave the Kava House until 1. This afternoon I had several errands to run. First I stopped at D&W and purchased some leaf bags. Then I mailed a package to Lieda's daughter. I stopped by the eye doctors to get some optical soap. I need this soap to get my hands super clean when handling my contacts. I have been car shopping and I stopped by the Chevy dealer in Coopersville. They had a big ad in Sunday's GRP selling Cobalts real cheap. It was a smoke screen. I stopped by GR Bike Company and got some supplies and asked about a bike rack for a Cobalt. I want the trailer hitch with an extension. The GR Bike Company sells the racks but they ain't cheap. Finally I stopped by Berger Chevy and looked at both the Cobalt and HHR. I am amazed at how incompetent car salesmen are. A good salesman would have sold me a car. I ain't easy but I can be had.

After all the running around I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nothing on TV so I caught up on my magazine reading. The book I am reading is getting interesting. Last night I read until midnight.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Wednesday and GG drove to Spruce to attend the 50 anniversary of the local church. Mrs. Bellamore went with them. They got home at 1130.

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