Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday October 27, 2009

Surprise! it was not raining this morning. I wore my GPS today. The distance from home to the MAC is 2.4 miles or 4k. I was surprised at how slow I run. I was averaging about 11 minutes per mile. This is 1 minute slower than what I ran on the track yesterday. Maybe hills do make a difference. Anyway I did run 8k and my GPS said I burned about 600 cal.

Today's WSJ had several opinion columns about the poor performance of our President. Everyone is worried about all the money we are spending. I keep making a note to myself to write my senators and representative about withdrawing all our forces from the middle east. Maybe tomorrow. It also looks like the UM football program might be in trouble with the NCAA. On an upbeat side the sun came out and no wind. I think this is one of the windiest years I can remember. Global warming?

After lunch I took advantage of the warm temps and lack of wind to paddle around Reeds Lake. This lake level is up because of all the rain we have had lately. Nearly 90% of the docks have been pulled out. The high water level and the missing docks allowed me to paddle close to shore and look at the homes around the lake. There are some real nice homes. The lake was like glass and there was only one other boat on the lake. I was surprised at the number of swans. I counted 16 in one flock. There were an additional 4 or 5 flocks of three or more. During the summer I usually see 5 swans, max. Are the swans just passing through?

Tonight I will watch NCIS at 8 and then head for bed at 9. My book is getting good. I have read until 12 the past 2 nights. Next Tuesday is election day. We have a city commission seat and also a school millage renewal.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, cold Thursday. GG and Huey went to look at sheep manure at McKinnon's farm. I just copy what GG wrote.

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