Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday October 28, 2009

Yes folks it is Wednesday and I again must decide where I will eat breakfast and what will I do on this day that is supposed to be warm and partly sunny. I decide on Wolfgang's for breakfast. I have corn beef hash and eggs. The food is good at Wolfgang's but it is very noisy. After breakfast I have to make my second major decision. What will I do? Today the decision was easy. I load up the AT into the Aztek and head for Holland State Park. The parking lot at the beach was nearly empty, just a few fishermen. We had several days with high winds so portions of the parking lot was filled with sand drifts.

I left the park and headed north on Lakeshore Drive. I filled the AT's tires to max capacity, 80 psi, so pedaling was relatively easy. I chose the AT over the road bike because, although the road bike is easier to pedal, it is not as stable when pedaling through areas of deep wet leaves. In fact there were areas where it was like pedaling on a yellow carpet. I rode all the way to the Lakeshore Road bridge over Pigeon River. The vehicular bridge and pedestrian bridge were in good shape. However, the restaurant located on the south side of the river was closed. Nancy and I had lunch there several times during construction of the bridge.

The colors are at their peak but the leaves are falling fast. I predict that most of the trees will be bare by the end of the week. I chose the perfect day for the ride. The sun was out and traffic on the bike path was very light. Even though the bike trail parallels the lake shore it is not flat. There were two hills that I had to get out and walk. This is the major disadvantage of a single speed. However, it is rare that I cannot negotiate a hill. The ride took 2h40' and I travelled 27.1 miles. It was a leisurely ride and I averaged 10.2 mph. In fact I looked at my GPS at 26.2 miles and it read 2h33'. 2h33' is an easy time for most marathon runners.

When I got home I showered and took a short nap. It is now 6 PM and tonight Nancy and I will read the GRP and watch a little TV. I hope to finish my book tonight. I got my 30 in today did you? This is blog number 503. Time flies when you're having fun.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear cold Friday. GG wrote that he and Huey went to look at sheep manure today. (He also mentioned it yesterday)

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