Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday October 25, 2009

Yes folks it is Sunday so the alarm goes off at 0656. Nancy and I are in the pool at 8 and we both swim 1500 yards. Meijers today was not crowded so we got our shopping done early. Nancy again fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast. I read several sections of the paper and then took a short nap. Are we predictable or what?

After my nap Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head for Horicks. I need to buy some bird seed. It is getting to be that time of year when the birds need some help. We also bought some special cheese. I fill up our new bird feeder and put it up in the back yard. I finished the afternoon with a three mile walk. The leaves are falling fast so many people were out in their yards raking leaves. It will be a week before Nancy and I have to rake any leaves. It looks like all the docks have been removed from around Rose's. This is a sure sign of winter.

Tonight we are having soup and sandwiches. An appropriate meal for a fall evening. I will finish the GRP and then will retire early so I can continue reading my book. It is really getting good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported it was a clear, warm Tuesday. GG wrote he was going to Pete Bellinores about Lois going to Spruce (?). Drove to a farm for 1 bushel of apples. Delivered cabbage to Ed H.

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