Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday October 12, 2009

Monday morning and in keeping with my retirement vows no alarm. I got up at 0630. Nancy was already up and had gotten her coffee. What good am I? I now do 5,000 meters on the Concept II. This morning I set my personal best of 22:00. I might record this time on Concept IIs web site. I try to get 40 minutes of aerobics so today I ran 18 minutes on the track (22' row + 18 run = 40').

I got a large coffee at the Kava House because it takes me longer to read both the DFP and WSJ. Although I must admit that I skip over a lot of the WSJ articles. The DFP this morning was disappointing. The majority of articles were taken off the AP news wire or some other wire.

Lately I have been reading about oil and gas exploration. It appears that new methods of getting natural gas out of rock formations has significantly increased the US's supply. Brazil and Ghana also have found large off shore oil fields.

I got home from the Kava House about 1315. I had a quick lunch and then got dressed because I attended a retirement reception for Bill DeYoung. Bill worked in the City Engineers office for 47 years. I met several of my college classmates at the reception. After I got home I went on a 3 mile walk.

This evening I will finish the newspaper and maybe watch some TV. Nancy likes to watch "House" at 8. I might retire to my office and watch the football game.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Wednesday. GG was home all morning but in the afternoon they drove to my grandparents via the old Hubbard Lake Road. They were home by 6 PM. Tonight Aunt Laura had a "Ladies Aid" meeting.

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