Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday October 4, 2009

As usual on Sundays the alarm goes off at 0656. Bob and Nancy are going swimming. Today we were the only people in the pool. Today I practised my freestyle stroke by breathing every third stroke. I would breathe first on the right side and then on the left side. In the past I have had a tough time with the stroke. I think because of the new pool chemicals that allow me to use standard goggles instead of a mask that covers my nose. The new nose drops I have been taking might also help.

After the swim we head for Meijers. The control panel on the Taurus told us that we had less than 30 miles to go before we ran out of gas. The gage might be right because I put 17.5 gallons in a 20 gallon tank. Gas was $2.29 per gallon.

This morning we called the Scott Team in Long Beach. Today is LA's fourth birthday. He was just opening presents and seemed in high spirits. Tia Sasha drove down for LA's birthday party on Saturday.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap and then Nancy and I headed downtown to see some of the winners in the Art Prize contest. Downtown was crowded. We also visited a lot of art displays south of Fulton between Sheldon and Ionia. This area of GR has undergone a real renaissance. We spent over 2 hours walking around. It was a very pleasant walk.

After dinner, we watched 60 minutes, finished the paper and headed to bed. It is now 9:20 and I will head for bed after writing the blog. Of course, I have the electric blanket on warming up the bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear Tuesday. GG and GGM along with the Scott's and Yake's drove after flowers for Laura and delivered same. GG cashed a $20 check.

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