Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday November 1, 2009

It is good to be on standard time again. Sunrise this morning was 0716 which is a lot better than 0816. Today was the first day in quite a while that we had sunshine and no wind. We went, as usual, to our Sunday morning swim. We both swam 1500 yards. Gas at Meijers this morning was $2.66. I topped off Nancy's car. Gas yesterday was $2.75. Go figure. Today was our smallest shopping day in quite a while.

I am getting in my cold weather routine. I filled the bird feeder, hung up a bird feeding cone and greased the bird feeder poles to keep the squirrels from getting at the seed. For breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.

Speaking of cold weather routines, I am applying moisturising lotion every day to keep my skin from drying out. The lotion has gummed up my metal watch band. Nancy has an ultra sound cleaner so I took off the watch band and cleaned it. The water was so dirty after the first cycle, I put it through two more cycles. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took a three mile walk. A lot of folks were raking leaves today. It was a perfect day for yard work. In East Grand Rapids they can put the leaves in the street. There are so many leaves in Gladstone Street that it is now a single lane road.

Nancy is fixing her great hamburger/bake bean casserole. Instead of ground beef she is using ground turkey. It is 0538 and dark outside. I am drinking a beer as I write this blog. Tonight we will finish reading the GRP and then watch 60 minutes. I did not watch the Lions today. Why should I waste a beautiful day by watching TV inside. Last night I finished my book "The Lady with the Dragon Tattoo" and started a book on President Andrew Jackson. Did you know that Jackson was 6'1" and weighted 140 pounds. I am 5'7" and weigh 160 pounds.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, mild Tuesday. GG was having trouble with his ink pen and it was very hard to read. In the morning he drove to Yakes and came home with something with a new top. In the afternoon he hauled two loads of sheep manure.

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