Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday November 17, 2009

The weather man said we are going to have another nice sunny morning. He was right but it was windy. Today I ran to the MAC, 4K. My running times are not improving. I averaged about 11'14" per mile. This is pretty slow even for an old guy. On my run home I noticed that the yard waste people were behind schedule. I still had time to rake the rest of the leaves in the planter strip. When I got home the planter strip was bare. The wind had blown all the leaves next door. Some days we are lucky.

At the Kava House I read the DFP and WSJ. There was not anything that I thought of interest in either newspaper. Are they newspapers if I am reading them on my Kindle? It takes about 90 minutes to read both papers.

After a quick lunch I head out to Meijers to purchase some supplies. On my way home I stopped at the Kent County Employees CU to get some money for our upcoming trip. I took a 1.5 mile walk when I got home.

It is now 5 PM and I want to get the blog done so I can watch NCIS tonight. I also have a lot of mail to read and papers to sort. Tomorrow it is suppose to rain so I will have an excuse to stay inside. I will go to bed early because tomorrow I have a 0700 breakfast club meeting.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG entries are getting shorter. He wrote that he worked in the post office in the afternoon. They hauled 11 loads of brush.

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