Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday November 19, 2009

My knees have been sore for several days now. This morning I went back to my old routine. I started by reducing my running. To compensate I increased my time on the rowing machine, Concept II. I also had to take my car in to get a paint sealer applied. So I drove to Berger Chevy, left my car off and walked to the MAC.

After the MAC routine I walked to Breton Village D&W and drank a Starbucks and read the DFP. The WSJ was not available at 1100. The Kindle said it would be delayed today. I have not checked to see if it is now available. After reading the DFP I walked home.

I spent most of the afternoon cleaning up my home office. I also had to call the credit card company to let them know we would be travelling out of the country. I was told if you do not do this your card will not work. It is an anti fraud measure. Nancy was told that because the dollar is so low compared to the Euro that some places will not accept credit cards.

The car was available at 3 PM and Nancy drove me to Berger. The C2 received it's first fill up today. I did not know how big the gas tank was so I had to read the manual. The gas tank has a 13 gallon capacity. It was easy reading the manual because the car is bare bones. I don't have features like heated seats, power windows or seats and climate control. I was amazed that the manual took up 20 pages on the proper use of seat belts. It looks like they are afraid of getting sued.

Nancy and I left home at 5:15 and headed to the "Bone Fish Grill" for dinner. We met the Horlings at the restaurant. We had a good time and the food was great. I was surprised that the place was jammed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Saturday. GG finished clearing the Robinson property. They had cut 40 logs, 6 cords of pole wood and 57 loads of brush. I think GG was getting this property ready for sale.

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