Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday November 8, 2009

Today is post #516. I never thought I would keep this up. Today being Sunday I set the alarm for 0656. Both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. Gas at Meijers was $2.66 per gallon. I topped off the Taurus's tank. The morning news shows were all about the US House passing the health bill. It will be interesting to see what the US Senate does? Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning.

After reading a few sections of the GRP I headed upstairs for my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy and I raked the leaves in the back yard. The temperature was 38 at 0700 and 66 at 4 PM. It was a beautiful day. I did try using my blower for moving the leaves around. I think a rake is faster. After raking I took at 3.25 mile walk.

This evening I will watch 60 minutes and then head for bed to read more about Andrew Jackson. He had a colorful life. I hope to download several books into the Kindle for our upcoming trip. Does anyone have a favorite fiction book I should read? I like Westerns, spy, detective, and adventure books.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Last night's rain was over 1/2". Justis and party left for home at 0400. Reads party left at 0600. Hazel, GGM, went to Detroit with Mrs. Broutin. Election today and GG voted. He worked part time in post office in afternoon.

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