Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday-Sunday November 12-15, 2009

Thursday morning and Nancy and Bob get up early because we have a busy day. After a brief workout at home I head downtown to city hall and a 0900 GRBA meeting. Nancy heads to the MAC for several classes. At 1030 we finish loading up the Taurus and start out for Lakewood, Ohio. It is about 290 miles to Lakewood but it is a beautiful and driving the Taurus is a breeze. Nancy and I both observed a large number of trucks on the interstate. Does this mean the economy is improving? We are in a hurry to get to Ohio so I even bypass Cabella's. Another observation was that every farmer was busy getting his corn combined. We called Missy as we neared Lakewood and asked if she wanted Costco's chicken pot pie for dinner. She said yes so we stopped at the Costco in Avon Lake, Ohio.

We were greeted by Missy, Akerke and of course Ms P when we arrived. They were all playing outside in the leaves. The health of all the girls seems to be improving. After dinner and a short time talking and playing with all the girls, Nancy and I head for bed. It was a long day.

Friday was another sunny, warm day. The temperature reached 66 degrees. I headed out early with my Kindle in my backpack to find a coffee shop. I was lucky and found a brand new bakery/coffee shop. The store was a short 45 minute walk. When I got back to Missy's house they had just finished eating. We loaded up Akerke into the stroller and I took her on a long walk. I think we were gone about 90 minutes. Akerke fell asleep about 30 minutes into the walk. For lunch we headed to Costco for hot dogs.

Missy wanted me to fix her leaking bathtub drain. I took it apart and found that all it needed was a new O ring. Missy directed me to several local hardware stores. I found an O ring at the second store. It cost $1.10. The O ring was inserted and yes folks it worked. I was so proud of my handy work that I took a nap. For dinner Nancy fixed a barley/beef soup with multi grain bread. Missy has HBO so we watched "Curb your Enthusiasm". It was very funny.

Saturday morning and we load up the car and head for the West Side Market. Missy had a back pack for carrying Akerke. I got the job of carrying the back pack. It really is quite comfortable. Our first stop is to buy some apple fritters. The Market has some of the world's best apple fritters. We spent about 45 minutes walking around the market. The market is very ethnic and the many food stalls offer all kinds of meat, fruits and vegetables. I got another apple fritter.

Missy had scheduled a play date for Akerke with several of her friends. After we dropped off Missy and Akerke, Nancy and I headed to Trader Joe's. We purchased some wine, cheese and soup. We also stopped at another store and bought a round of Swiss cheese. I fixed the brake on Missy's jogging stroller and when she got home I took Akerke on a short walk. It was very warm so she fell asleep after 10 minutes. We walked for 55 minutes. I again took a short nap. We had pizza for dinner and I watched some football in the evening.

Sunday and today Nancy and I are heading for Grand Rapids. On our way home we stopped at Ikea and then the discount mall outside of Howell. We got home about 4. Dinner tonight was some Trader Joe soup. It was good. We watched "60 minutes" and then headed upstairs. Nancy is reading a book and I am completing this blog.

Ossineke, MI November 12-15, 1938. Saturday Nov 12 and GG worked in the post office in the morning. He had 4 loads of sheep manure delivered in the afternoon.

Sunday Nov 13, Church at 1130 with 8 folks in attendance.

Monday Nov 14, Jim Courtright coming and clearing brush for Robinson. They got 10 loads of manure. GG went to Alpena in the morning.

Tuesday Nov 15, 1938. Of course GG noted that it was the first day of deer season. GG moved stove for Robinson and shut up chickens. 26 total loads of manure were delivered.

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