Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday November 7, 2009

Saturday and the weatherman said it is going to be warm and sunny but very windy. The wind means I am not going kayaking. I have to drive Nancy and Mary Namyy at 1230 to Meijer Gardens so they can work at a sale. So I decide to go for a run. I ran 4.5 miles. For breakfast I biked to the Kava House and indulged in a cinnamon roll and glazed scone. As I was feasting on all this sugar when who should walk in but Nancy. I told her that I purchased the scone for her. She grinned but did eat 1/2 of it. Both the DFP and WSJ were loaded with articles about the shootings at Ft Hood and in FL. The shooter in FL was a civil engineer.

When I got home I started raking leaves. At 1215 I drove Nancy and Mary to the Gardens. After dropping them off I drove the Meier's Thrifty Acres and purchased bird seed and a snow shovel. Every winter I purchase a cheap plastic shovel. It is lightweight and last for 1 winter only. When I got home I continued raking. I did watch about 5 minutes of the UM game and saw how poorly they were coached and turned the TV off. I did take a 30 minutes nap.

It is now 4:30 PM and I am waiting for Nancy, Mary and Ed to show up. Ed agreed to pick up the girls after the sale. We are having wine and cheese at our house and then going out to eat.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and the entire family had breakfast at the Bingham's in Alpena. Remember me telling you that Jay Bingham was mayor of Alpena. The mayor's wife was dad's aunt. GG wrote they called on Rob Scott, the baby (that is me folks). GG drove back to Domkes and Hadens in the PM. The Robert's party left for home in NY state.

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