Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday November 4, 2009

Breakfast Club today so last night I set the alarm for 0535. I had to introduce the speaker at today's meeting. The speaker was a stockbroker who talked about the economy and recommended that now is the time to buy stocks. Anyway the breakfast food was good.

After BC I stopped by the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP went to press before the polls closed but they wrote several articles based on preliminary poll results. They were correct in all races. There really were no surprises in yesterday's elections.

I have been mulling over if I should buy some stock in a company that might benefit from the increased supply of natural gas. Today I bought some Cummins Engine stock. I agree with T. Boone Pickens that natural gas is the best fuel source for the nation's trucks. Time will tell.

Today Nancy has to work at Meijer's Gardens. After work, 4 PM, she wants to go to a paper products, Gallery 19, warehouse sale. So I drove her to the Gardens and then went on a 3 mile walk. After the walk I picked up Nancy and we drove to the sale. The sale started at 5 and by 4:30 the line was around the block. Nancy made her purchases and was out of the building in 45 minutes. She promised to buy dinner if I drove her so we ate at Olga's Kitchen in Gaslight Village.

Not much on TV so I will finish this blog and continue reading my book on President Jackson. He was really an interesting character.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that they still had summer weather. In the morning he cleared brush from flower garden. In the afternoon 1 load of sheep manure was delivered for the flower bed.

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