Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday November 21, 2009

I set the alarm for 0636 so I can get Nancy up in time for her class at the MAC. However, she was up way before the alarm goes off. As Nancy heads to exercise class I must decide where to eat my eggs and pancakes. I go to Bill's on Michigan Ave. After breakfast I attach the bike rack to the hitch and head to the Muskatawa Trail near Marne. Today I rode 25 miles. It is 12.5 miles from the trail head to Ravenna. I started out in a heavy fog but about 1 hour into the ride the sun burned off the fog. The temperature got to 62 degrees today.

I tried out my Onstar phone today and called Nancy to ask her if she wanted to go to Costco. She said yes so I hurried home. Costco was very crowded today. I had to buy some mouth wash and peanut butter. Last week at the Costco in Ohio I bought some Wigwam socks. They are great so I was going to buy another pair in GR. The GR store did not have any. After Costco we drove to Target so Nancy could return a purchase.

I watched part of the MI/OSU game today and then decided I needed a nap. Tonight Nancy fixed veggie burgers and sliced potatoes. The veggie burgers were 3.0 but the potatoes were 3.5. She also baked some cookies. Cookies are always great, 4.0. Nancy is printing out info on walking tours we can take on our visit to Zurich, Vienna and Munich. She looked online and found a good source. It is almost 9 and I will finish up this blog and then select some magazines to read on the plane. I got my 30 today, did you?

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