Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday November 5, 2009

I think I should admit it my natural wake up time is now 0645. Of course I go to bed later, 1015. Today I wore my sunglasses on my bike ride to the MAC. It was sprinkling when I left and I had to wipe off my bike seat and helmet. Lately, I think the weather people have been in a funk. They have predicted the wrong weather for about a week. Must be global warming.

The DFP had several articles on the plans of the newly elected local officials. It is also surprising that in these tough economic times that not one school millage renewal proposal in MI was defeated. It shows folks value education. I voted on Tuesday and was correct on all voting items. I usually am lucky to get 50%.

This afternoon I spent some time looking at companies that are involved in natural gas drilling, pipelines and power generation. I think that peoples are coming to their senses about the US using local energy supplies instead of importing energy. I like using google as research tool. Speaking of google they have a new navigation system that is available on Verizon's new Motorola cell phone. In fact when it was announced that goggle had the navigation system the value of Garmen's stock declined. Competition makes the world go round. After playing on the computer I took a 1.5 mile walk.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We got home in time to watch the news and were shocked to hear about the killings at Ft Hood. Nancy watched Bones and I came upstairs to write this blog.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild Saturday. GG entry is very hard to read but it looks like they are getting ready for the 60th anniversary of ?? They had visitors from NY and Southern MI. I wish I could make out the entry better. I did use a magnifying glass.

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