Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday November 24, 2009

I got up at 0630 and got about my morning routine. This will be my last serious workout before going on our big adventure. I rode the AT bike to the MAC today. On my ride to the Kava House I passed a woman sitting outside her car and making a cell phone call. I got about a block past her when I realized that she was in distress. I turned around and when I got to her a jogger also was passing by. The jogger was trained as a paramedic. She was calling 911 and the paramedic helped her with her call. He knew the correct procedures so that 911 dispatched help immediately after his explanation. He was really good with the woman. It appears she might have had a mini stroke. The EGR police arrived within a minute of 911 saying they were sending help. An ambulance was right behind them.

Today is free refill day so I got a small coffee and had it refilled twice. The DFP continues to report on the troubles Detroit is having with its ex mayor. Another interesting article was on the sale of the Pontiac Silverdome. Last year the city of Pontiac took bids on buying the Silverdome. The low bidders price was 20 million dollars. The City rejected the 20M bid. Recently the sale was rebid and the low bidders price was $550,000. The City accepted this bid. A court ruled yesterday that the $550K bid was OK. What a difference a year makes?

After a quick lunch I retired to my office. I called Hal Horlings to tell him that Nancy and I would be happy to go with Hal and Karen to the New Years Eve concert by the Symphony. Before the concert we will have dinner at the Chop House. It should be a fun evening.

I also downloaded photos from our recent trip to Lakewood. I emailed the photos to the family.
I am now catching up on some reading. The magazines I cannot read at home I will take with me. I checked the weather in Munich and it looks like rain nearly every day we are there. I also emailed the Hotel to ask the best way to get to the hotel from the airport.

It is now 4:38 and I am going on a 3 mile walk. Tonight I watch NCIS at 8 and then will head to bed. I am still reading about President Jackson. He is planning on moving all the southern Indians across the Mississippi. Jackson was not a nice guy.

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