Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday November 18, 2009

Wednesday morning and the alarm goes off at 0545. Today is breakfast club and it starts at 0700. Today I get in the C2, first time, and head downtown to the Women's City Club. The speaker today was from the GR Public Museum and he talked about the development of telescopes for star gazing. It was interesting.

After the meeting I head to Berger to get them to get the Onstar working right on the C2. It took a while with several calls to India but we finally got it working. I get Onstar free for the next 10 months. After Berger I decide to take a bike ride. I attached my new rack to the hitch and load up the bike. I head to Riverside Park where I will start my ride to Rockford. It was a 23 mile ride and it took me exactly 2 hours. It started to rain as I pulled into the driveway. I took a shower and then a short nap. It is now 5 PM. Before dinner I hope to finish this blog and clean up my desk. Tonight I will watch some TV and then read some more about President Jackson.

I watched MSNBC while eating lunch and saw that they had reporters in GR. They were interviewing all the folks waiting for Sarah Palan. Over 1000 people stood in line all night. I would never stand in line for any politician.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It rained in the morning, Friday, not heavy. GG continued to haul brush, 19 loads, in the afternoon. He noted that it was clearing and colder in the afternoon with no wind.

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