Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday November 10, 2009

It is still warm. The temperature at 0700 was 57. This morning I ran to the MAC and I still can not get my per mile time below 11 minutes. When I got home the yard waste people had not picked up our bagged leaves. I grabbed a rake and filled two more bags.

The DFP had an article about the number of Detroit Council members who carry a concealed weapon. I think at least 5 members carry weapons to the meetings. I was also surprised to learn that council members have full time security guards. They guard the members from the time they leave their home until they retire for the evening. Detroit is the only city of its size that offers this service. Last year Council member Conyers had a guard accompany her on trips to San Francisco and several other cities.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Alto to meet with Jennifer D. We discussed a project she is working on. She had most of her problems already thought out and just wanted to bounce her ideas off a fresh face. I enjoy thinking about problems that develop when working on a design project.

'Tonight is a good TV night so I am finishing this blog before dinner. I will also continue reading the GRP. The GRP had an article on all the layoffs proposed for GR. I was surprised that the engineering department was spared.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Thursday and GG worked part time in the post office. He also placed four loads of sheep manure. GG noted that Justin and family got home in time to vote.

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