Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday May 27, 2009

Ah! Wednesday my easy day. It was so easy that Nancy went downstairs and got her own coffee this morning. The weather man said to expect showers in the morning with clearing in the afternoon. We had heavy rain over night. It wasn't raining when I went out to inspect so I got out the retro and pedalled to D&W for a DFP and then to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had eggs and potatoes.

After breakfast it looked like the weather was clearing so I loaded up the kayak. I drove to Crystal Lake in Montcalm County. Crystal Lake is the biggest lake in the county. Most of the homes on the lake have been remodeled in recent years. It was overcast and muggy so I did not see much activity on the lake. The water is very clear with a firm sand bottom. I did notice a lot of jet skis so the lake is probably very noisy on summer weekends. I hate jet skis. It is 4 miles around the lake and it took me 2 hours of paddling. I did hit some wavy conditions on my last leg and it took a lot of effort paddling into the wind.

I got home at 3:30 so I got out the road bike and pedalled around Reeds Lake. I also tried to put the 26" front wheel from my retro on the road bike. The road bike has skinny 27" wheels. The 26" wheel could not fit between the front forks of the road bike.

Wednesday night is cereal night. Nancy and I watched the news including cable news between 7 and 8. We also switched between the Red Wings game and Law and Order.

May 27, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Nice, France. Grandmother wrote: "left Nice at 1:15 PM and arrived in Genoa, Italy at 7 PM". She stayed at Genoa Hotel.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG worked in garden in the morning and worked in post office in afternoon.

Neither Great Grandfather Sanborn or Grandmother Hughes felt like writing today. I hope everyone is getting their 30 minutes outdoors every day.

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