Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday May 3, 2009

Alarm goes off at 0656, Nancy and Bob hustles so they can be first in the pool when it opens at 0800. I swam 1500 yard. After the swim we head for Meijers for our weekly supplies. Nancy said we saved $13 because of coupons and specials. For breakfast Nancy fixes her world famous poached eggs on toast. It being Sunday I have to take my afternoon nap. This is the first time in 2 weeks that I can take a Sunday nap.

After the nap I get my road bike down, strap on the GPS and get ready for a bike trip to Ada. I want to test the single speed on the long hill climb on west bound Fulton. I stick to the bike path along the Beltline and Fulton. The bike paths are very dirty. They should be swept. I was surprised that the long hill climb was not that bad, even with a strong headwind. I only got out of the saddle once. As I was heading south on the Beltline my front tire went flat. Surprise! surprise! I had the equipment to change the flat. It took me about 20 minutes. I was very proud of myself. Next time I should do it in 10 minutes. As I was hanging up my bike another bike fell and caused a deep cut on my arm. Once again I was able to perform emergency first aid.

For dinner we had hamburgers, corn on the cob and a great salad that Nancy fixed. I watched 60 minutes and after I finish this blog I am heading to bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. East wind. GG drove to Alpena with chairs for Julia and Mrs. Noggle. In the afternoon GG hauled 110 bu of leaves. GG had lunch at Louy's.

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