Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday May 5, 2009

The day started normally. After my exercise routine I had coffee and the DFP at the Kava House. Today's DFP had an article on the abuse of the City of Detroit's pension fund by members of the pension board. The pension funds have lost billions but the board member still travelled first class to over 100 conferences. One board member, who is also a council member, traveled to Dubai for a conference. Her business class flight cost $9,000 and she stayed in a $700 a night hotel. She also hired a car and driver to show her around. Will stimulus funds to Detroit be well spent?

I had an early lunch because I had my annual physical at 1. After the physical I had to vote in the local election. I must keep my nearly 100% voting record. After voting I loaded up the kayak and paddled around Reed's Lake. Nancy and I watched NCIS and got really confused. It is to be continued next week.

May 5, 1927, Grandmother Hughes trip to Europe. Grandmother set sail on the Cleveland at 10 AM and arrived in Boston at 7 PM on the 6th.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Mild day GG worked in garden. In morning planted potatoes, peas, beans and lettuce. In the afternoon planted more potatoes.

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