Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 7, 2009

The days are so nice and long now. It was light out when I got up at 0630 and it was still light at 9 PM. The temperature got to 70 this afternoon. After my exercises I read the DFP. They dedicated most of the issue to Detroit's new mayor, Dave Bing. Mayor Bing is a successful business man and former Piston basketball star. I don't know if he has the stomach for Detroit politics.

After lunch I had to do some chores around the house. One chore was created by clumsy me. I dropped a small container down the sink. The container became lodged in the drain. I had to remove the drain and recover the container. The operation was successful.

For relaxation I loaded up the kayak and headed for Reed's Lake. The parking lot was full so I headed for the Grand River at Ada. The river was so high I could not get my kayak in the water so I ended up at Murray Lake. The lake is fully developed with nice sand beaches and some really expensive homes. I saw 2 muskrats, many turtles and a crane eating a large fish.

This evening, like most Thursday evenings, Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. They did not have their outside dining set up, but I expect next week we can eat outside. Eating outside is one of the pleasures of summer.

May 7, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is aboard the steamship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother only said "it rained a little".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold with a north wind. Uncle Guy cut his load of wood. Wood machine ran good? GG worked in post office in the afternoon. Mrs V sick. Mother's Day tomorrow.

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