Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday May 24, 2009

Sunday we all slept in. We finally got up at 0730. Tasha, Nancy and I piled into the Taurus and headed for Cheri Inn for breakfast. After breakfast Tasha and I loaded our bikes in the Aztek and headed for the bike trail that runs from Marne to Ravenna. I was surprised that the trail was not busy. We rode 26.2 miles in 1h59m. If we were running we would have set the world record for the marathon. Tasha was kind enough to slow down and ride with me. It was a beautiful, sunny day.

After the ride I took a short nap. At 5 PM Nancy and I walked next door to a graduation party for Ben. Ben is graduating from high school. It was a nice party. For dinner Nancy grilled pork outside. We also had corn-on-the-cob and a barley dish. It was great. Presently, I am watching 60 minutes and typing this blog. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and we are going out for breakfast and then we will have an easy day.

May 24, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is visiting Europe. On this day she wrote: "leaving Paris 0820, arriving Avignon, France 7:20 PM, staying at Grand Hotel.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Tuesday, very cold wind out of NW. GG planted tomatoes, cabbage and onion, looks bad for frost this evening.

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