Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday May 13, 2009

Ah! Wednesday my easy day. Normally on Wednesday, I go for a long kayak trip or a bike ride. However, we are expecting high winds and rain for today. So instead of exercising I have breakfast at the Cheri Inn. After breakfast I head home and since it has not started to rain I go for a 3 mile walk. I then do some research on the computer. At 1130 I head for the MAC for a swim. I swam 1050 yards in 30 minutes.

I ran some errands after my swim. I stopped by the Ada Bike Shop and looked at some 29" bikes. I am thinking of getting rid of my road and street bike and getting a 29". I stop at home and take the blade off the lawn mower. I take the blade to my favorite lawn mower and bike repair shop on Fulton. They sharpen my blade while I wait. I also bought a 26" bike tube for the street bike (retro). The lawn sprinkler people stopped by last week to start up the sprinkler system. They replaced a spray head, so I stopped by their office and paid my bill. I was so exhausted from my errands that I took a short nap.

Today is Nancy's book club so it means pizza and beer with Ed and Tom. Pizza and beer are always good. I did mention to Tom and Ed that this being the 13th reminded me that around this date in 1956 I won a 1941 Ford Jeep in a raffle with the number 13.

May 13, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is aboard the steam ship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote "The big dinner party tonight. Fancy dress ball in the evening".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG got 5 rats. (always a hunter in the family) It was Friday and GG wrote that they had a light frost overnight. They planted 1 bu potatoes and GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. It was warmer in the PM.

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