Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday May 12, 2009

Another nice spring day in GR. My morning routine followed the same Tuesday schedule. When I got home from the Kava House I noticed that a tree was missing from our planter strip. We had called the City last week and told them that the ash tree looked sick. The City forester said the tree was being attacked by an insect called the ash borer. The City removed the tree this morning.

This afternoon I loaded up the kayak and headed for the Flat River in Lowell. I spent about 1.5 hours on the river. A lot of turtles were out sunning themselves this afternoon. As soon as they see me they drop off the log and into the river. One turtle dropped off a log and got hung up on the Y in a log immediately below it. The turtle's shell was jammed in the y. I paddled over and gave the turtle a shove. It broke free and dropped into the river. My good deed for the day.

As soon as I got home Nancy told me that HH, the husband of Nancy's friend Karen, was on the phone. HH wanted to know if I wanted to get and burger and see a movie that had been filmed in GR. I said yes. The Chili's burger and beer were great but the movie was terrible. Do not see "The Chaos Experiment". I gave it a point on one star or 1/5 of a star.

When I got home I was downstairs reading the newspaper when I heard a noise coming from my computer upstairs. I thought I had a virus acting up but it was only SPS calling me on skype. I turned my web cam on and Nancy and I got to see Alessandra, LA and SPS. I love the web cam and skype.

May 12, 1927 Grandmother Hughes on the steam ship Cleveland heading to Europe. Another nice day. Grandmother bought a ticket to Paris on boat and changed $5 to francs. (Grandmother was not very wordy.)

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Cold north wind. GG picked up trailer load of rubbish & cut with wood machine 4 bu shorts for Mrs (GGM) and 20 bu on porch for Aunt Julia. (I am just typing what I read.)

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