Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday May 16, 2009

It was dark and gloomy when the alarm went off at 0626. The weather man said it would be sunny and windy today, but when I looked out the window it was appeared to be raining. I wanted to go kayaking but it was too windy. A bike ride might be ok but I was not in the mood. Perhaps a 30 minute swim. I decided that I needed some hot cakes and eggs to help me with my decision. I also bought a NYT. After breakfast it was raining and the wind was picking up. I got home put on my rain coat and went for a walk. Half way through my walk the sun came out. I walked 7 miles in 2h10m.

After a quick shower I asked Nancy what we should do this afternoon. We got in the Aztek and headed for Countryside Green House in Allendale. It was a pleasant drive. The green house was jammed. They had to have the police directing traffic into their facility. The selection was huge. Nancy purchased 4 hanging baskets. Because of frost warning tonight, we stored the baskets in the garage. All this shopping exhausted me so I took a short nap.

This evening Nancy and I dined at Russ'. We had a bowl of soup and a hamburger. For dessert we stopped at McDonald's and each got a hot fudge sundae. At Lowe's Nancy purchased some washed stones for her flower pots. This evening I finished the newspapers and watched a little TV. I got my name in the newspaper. The GR City Commission Minutes mentioned that I had been appointed to the Construction Code Board of Appeals.

May 16, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is seeing the sites in Paris. Grandmother wrote "Visit west side. Tomb of Napoleon. Key is tomb like a cross. Brothers Joseph buried there. Napoleon buried in five coffins, tin, mahogany, lead, ivory and oak. Eiffel Tower, United States Square, Arc De Triumph, Unknown Soldier, President's House".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG wrote they had a cool west wind. Worked in garden in morning planted corn, peas, carrots, squash, rib squash, radish. David caught a bucket of blue gills.

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