Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday May 10, 2009

The weatherman said it would be dark, cool and rainy this morning. When we got up at 0656 it was sunny and bright. Today is Mother's Day but we still head for the MAC and our Sunday swim. Nancy and I both swam 1500 yards. After the swim we head for Meijer's for our weekly supplies. Despite the fact it was Mother's Day Nancy still fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.

This afternoon I took my normal Sunday PM nap. At 4 Nancy and I are going to the Moleski's for dinner. There will be 7 people in attendance. We had kielbasa, fried rice and other goodies. A good time was had by all. Nancy and I got home about 9:30.

Note: I wrote most of the blog on word this afternoon. After returning from the Moleski's I finished the blog. I cut and pasted the blog from word to this document.

May 10, 1927. Grandmother Hughes is still on the steamer, Cleveland, heading for Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote in her log "Tuesday, lovely weather, water like glass.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Tuesday cold east wind. Planted potatoes in the morning, 3 bu row planted. GG worked in post office in afternoon. Ured gave us 4 trout.

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