Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday May 30, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626. The day is starting on the cool side with the temperatures in the 40s. Nancy gets up right away so she can get to her early class at the MAC. I am more leisurely because I have to decide where to have breakfast. I decide on the Brandywine so I stop at D&W to get a NYT. The NYT or DFP have not yet been delivered. I stop and Starbucks and they do not have any NYT. This is discouraging the NYT raises its price to $2 and they can't get it to a newsstand before 0800. Anyway I buy a GRP and have my breakfast, short stack and eggs.

Today is going to be too windy for kayaking so I get out the road bike and head for the White Pine Trail. Today I pedalled the full length of the paved section. It is 24 miles from Riverside Park to the end of the pavement in Sand Lake. This is my longest, 48m, ride of the year. My goal is to do a century before September.

I got home showered and took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Russ's. Nancy and I took a 1 mile walk around the neighborhood. It was very pleasant. The Red Wings are on tonight and if I can stay awake I will try to watch the entire game. I have trouble watching hockey in warm weather.

May 30, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome, Italy. Grandmother Hughes was seeing the sites. This is what she wrote. "Saw Santa Marius Maggiori Church, Holy stairway, chains that St Peter and Paul were bound with, Basilica of St John, Lateran Colosseum, Golden House of Nero, Statue of Moses by Michelangelo".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Memorial Day. In my youth Memorial Day was always on May 30. No sissy three day week end. GG wrote " we set garden plants in the morning, then drove out for dinner and drove all through the cemetery, home by 4 PM. It was warm, 70, all day".

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