Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday May 20, 2009

Today I had to set my alarm because I had a 0700 breakfast club meeting. We had a doctor speak on a single payer national health insurance plan. Most of the members are very conservative and don't like anything associated with the Feds. However, they are all on medicare. I liked the presentation and I think that a single payer plan is best for the country. I hung around after the meeting talking with my old boss, Dave Despres. I did stop by the Kava House and read the DFP. Both the Red Wings and Tigers won last night.

When I got home I got out my retro and pedalled to the MAC. I swam 1050 yards in 30 minutes. At 3 PM I had a GRBA meeting. We are having some problems getting data out of the City staff. They are very unorganized. To ease my frustration I went on a 3 mile walk. Today the temperature got up to 80 degrees. It was great.

May 20, 1927. Grandmother Hughes was in Paris and visited Barbagon and Fontainebleau.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote it was cold and rainy. He was home all morning. Also worked in post office in the afternoon. Friendly Circle meeting at the Bryuings (?). Weather cleared up about 4 PM. GG drove for Mrs Hammer.

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